Page 3 - MEOG Week 08 2023
P. 3

GLNG  GLNG  MEOG                                     CONTENTS                                               MEOG

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                                             Middle East Oil & Gas Monitor

                         Iraq and Kuwait hold talks to reach maritime agreement                4

                         PIPELINES & TRANSPORT

                         First ADNOC LNG cargo arrives at Brunsbuettel                         6
                         Iran to build more tankers for Venezuela                              6

                         PRICES & PERFORMANCE

 Are you interested in   BP predicts faster decline in demand                                  7
                         New unit provides output hike at Gachsaran                            8

 following the countries   FINANCE & INVESTMENT

 of Emerging Europe and   ADNOC announces intention to list 4% of gas unit                     9

 Eurasia more closely?   POLICY & SECURITY

                         OPEC+ to stick with current deal through 2023                       10

                         Israel blames Iran for drone attack on product tanker in Arabian Sea  11

 Then sign up for free    NEWS IN BRIEF                                                       12

 for a two week trial!   NEWSBASE ROUNDUP GLOBAL (NRG)

                         NewsBase Roundup Global (NRG)                                       16

                         OUR CUSTOMERS                                                        18
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