Page 4 - LatAmOil Week 41 2021
P. 4

      LatAmOil                                      COMMENTARY Y                                          LatAmOil

                                                                             Tula refinery (Photo: Presidencia de la República Mexicana)

       A tale of two protests

       Demonstrations near the sites of two refineries highlight the problems of Mexico’s downstream sector

                         PROTESTS have erupted near the site of two   unique, in that Mexican teachers have been stag-
                         Mexican refineries within the last few weeks,   ing similar actions at multiple location around
       WHAT:             derailing regular operations and spurring con-  the country in recent weeks. However, they did
       Protests have forced   cerns about fuel supplies.      have newsworthy consequences, in that they
       Pemex to halt processing   These developments are not related. The   forced a shutdown of the Tula refinery. The plant
       at the Tula refinery and   demonstrators at the two sites are motivated by   has now been offline for more than two weeks.
       halt construction at the   different concerns, and the refineries themselves   Pemex has had little choice but to suspend
       site of the future Dos   are not facing comparable conditions. (One of   operations, given that protesters have been
       Bocas refinery.   them, the Tula refinery in Hidalgo State, is an   blocking roads that lead to the 315,000 barrel
                         established facility and has been in operation   per day (bpd) refinery and a railway line to the
       WHY:              for some time. The other, the Dos Bocas plant   port of Michoacan, thereby preventing it from
       Recent events are in line   in Tabasco State, is still under construction and   sending its fuels to market. The NOC did ini-
       with ongoing challenges
       in the downstream sector.  not likely to come online until next year at the   tially try to wait out the trouble by loading petro-
                         earliest.)                           leum products into storage facilities. However,
       WHAT NEXT:          Even so, both protests serve to highlight   the blockages have lasted long enough that the
       As protests continue,   serious problems facing Mexico’s downstream   storage tanks have become full. So with no place
       Mexican refineries are   sector.                       to put its production, the Tula plant has gone
       likely to remain under                                 offline.
       strain.           Background: Tula
                         The Tula refinery, owned by the national oil   Background: Dos Bocas
                         company (NOC) Pemex, began experiencing   Meanwhile in Tabasco, the protests are focused
                         problems last month, when local schoolteachers   not on an established and operational refinery
                         began protesting against the government’s fail-  but on a site where Pemex aims to build the
                         ure to pay their salaries and to distribute pension   country’s largest oil-processing plant – Dos
                         payments to retirees on time.        Bocas, which will have a throughput capacity of
                           The demonstrations in Hidalgo State are not   340,000 bpd.

       P4                                       www. NEWSBASE .com                        Week 41   14•October•2021
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