Page 13 - FSUOGM Week 17 2022
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Twitter account. fallout. Gas supply would have to be realised that they have a shit army,” Tinkov
The volume of transportation of rationed, many industries would close wrote on Instagram. “And how will the army
Azerbaijani gas via TANAP to Turkey overnight, and at worst, the bloc could be good, if everything else in the country is
and Europe is planned at the level of 16.2 suffer rolling blackouts. shit and mired in nepotism, sycophancy and
bcm in 2022. In 2021, 13.73 bcm of gas servility? I don’t see a SINGLE beneficiary
were transported through this pipeline. of this insane war! Innocent people and
Thus, in 2022, export growth will be 18%. Vagit Alekperov quits soldiers are dying.”
Azerbaijan, in general, exported 19.2 bcm “90% of Russians ARE against this war!”
of gas in 2021. as president of Russia’s Tinkov added. “Of course there are morons
SOCAR estimates that TANAP provides who draw Z but 10% of any country are
12% of Turkey's gas needs. TANAP with a second biggest oil morons,” he said, referring to what has
length of 1,850 km is designed to transport become a Russian symbol of support for the
Azerbaijani gas from the Shah Deniz company Lukoil war.
field within the framework of Stage-2 Tinkov’s outburst is the most strident
from the Georgian-Turkish border to the Vagit Alekperov, the president of Russian and forceful anti-war rhetoric from any of
western borders of Turkey. The throughput privately owned oil major Lukoil, and one of Russia’s business elite.
capacity of the gas pipeline will be at least the country's most successful oil companies, The company has not said who would
16 bcm, of which 10 billion are intended has resigned on April 21. take over Alekperov’s job. The UK imposed
for export to Europe, 6 bcm to the western A doyen of the Russian oil business, the an asset freeze and travel ban on Alekperov
regions of Turkey. former Soviet deputy oil minister Alekperov last week as part of sanctions over Russia's
is a dyed-in-the-wool oil man and has led military operation in Ukraine.
what is Russia’s largest privately owned oil Alekperov is ranked by Forbes as
Ukraine seeks to transfer company for almost three decades. Russia's tenth-richest man, worth $10.5bn.
Observers say he decided to leave the
“Lukoil announces that the company’s
gas supplies from Nord president and member of the board of company after he was personally sanctioned
in order to protect the company's operations
directors Vagit Alekperov informed the
Stream 1 to its pipeline company about his decision to resign as a from sanctions.
member of the board of directors of PJSC
Several company sources, who were not
Ukraine wants its western allies to begin Lukoil and early resign as president of PJSC authorised to talk to media, said that first
transferring some of their gas supplies Lukoil,” the company said in a press release. executive vice-president Vadim Vorobyov
from Nord Stream 1 to the Ukrainian gas Alekperov owns 3.12% of the company has been appointed as Lukoil's acting CEO,
pipeline, UBN reports on April 22. directly and another 5.43% through Reuters reports.
Gazprom pumped 57.3mn cubic metres trusts and mutual funds, the company Lukoil increased its oil production last
of Russian gas through Ukrainian territory said. “Therefore Vagit Alekperov is not a year to about 1.6mn barrels per day – a level
on April 21 – a similar amount to the controlling shareholder of PJSC Lukoil,” the that is just below the output of countries
average level in April last year. Indeed, press release emphasised. The press release like Qatar and Kazakhstan. One of its
judging by the lack of disruptions so far, it gave no reason for Alekperov's decision to biggest assets is West Qurna-2 oilfield in
would seem that both sides in the conflict quit. Iraq, which produces more than 400,000
are taking care to avoid hitting any gas The company has been treading carefully bpd.
transit infrastructure. on a high wire between western sanctions The company was founded in 1993 when
Ukrainian energy officials believe and Kremlin opprobrium. Alekperov, who had been appointed deputy
that transferring gas supplies from Nord Lukoil came out against the war in minister of the oil and gas industry of the
Stream to the Ukrainian gas pipeline Ukraine, albeit in a measured terms. In Soviet Union in 1990, became its president
will force Russia to pay more for transit, early March, Alekperov approved a Lukoil and chairman..
deterring Russia from damaging Ukrainian statement expressing "its deepest concerns
gas pipelines. Naftogaz officials spent a about the tragic events in Ukraine. Calling
week in Washington, DC meeting with for the soonest termination of the armed TCO 'exploring potential
government officials and congressional conflict, we express our sincere empathy for
lawmakers, with the goal of helping them all victims who are affected by this tragedy." options' amid CPC pipeline
to persuade Germany and other European Even this cautious statement has been
allies to adopt the plan. Ukrainian officials very unusual, as few oligarchs or Russian troubles and sanctions
have proposed immediately sending 40% companies have dared comment on the war.
of the gas from Nord Stream 1 through Another recent example was entrepreneur The operator of Kazakhstan's top
the Ukrainian pipeline, gradually raising Oleg Tinkov, who openly lambasted the producing crude field, the Chevron-led
volumes to 100% by April 2023. This will war in Ukraine, deriding Russia’s “shitty Tengizchevroil (TCO) consortium, has said
give EU countries time to build up winter army.” His comments drew a rapid response that it is "exploring potential options" amid
stockpiles. from the Tinkoff bank he founded, geopolitical tensions and technical problems
The EU, despite its lofty ambition to distancing itself from its former owner and at the Russian Black Sea port connected to
cut Russian gas supply by as much as two highlighting that Tinkov no longer has a the Caspian Pipeline Consortium (CPC)
thirds within a year, knows it cannot make controlling stake in the bank and stepped pipeline that loads Kazakh crude, S&P
any immediate moves to curb imports down as chairman in 2020. Global said in a note.
without causing devastating economic “Waking up with a hangover, the generals “TCO said its ‘primary focus is on
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