Page 6 - NorthAmOil Week 08 2023
P. 6

NorthAmOil                                    COMMENTARY                                          NorthAmOil

       BP predicts faster decline

       in oil and gas demand

       BP is forecasting a faster decline in oil and gas demand in a break

       from the past

        GLOBAL           BP released its flagship annual report, Energy  present trends. First, it notes that the global
                         Outlook, at the end of January, forecasting an  carbon budget is running out, and that despite
       WHAT:             accelerated decline in oil and gas consumption  all efforts made by governments and compa-
       BP has released its   as a result of fallout from the Russia-Ukraine war  nies so far, CO2 has continued to rise every
       flagship Energy Outlook   and the impact of the broader energy crisis.  year since the Paris Agreement was reached in
       report.             In light of soaring global oil and gas prices,  2015, with the exception of 2020, when corona-
                         caused in part by Moscow’s invasion of Ukraine  virus (COVID-19) restrictions caused energy
       WHY:              and the subsequent severing of energy ties  demand to tank.
       The UK major sets out   between Russia and the EU, countries will pur-  Second, BP notes that the Russia-Ukraine
       one scenario based   sue greater energy security over the next decade,  war is having long-lasting implications for the
       on current trends and   and this will result in a faster decline in global oil  global energy system, and is causing the pace
       existing policies, and   and gas demand, BP said. At the same time, the  of the energy transition to accelerate. Third, the
       two more based on   UK major predicts an accelerated shift towards  importance of fossil fuels is declining as renew-
       predetermined climate   renewable energy – in part because of high oil  ables expand their share and electrification is
       goals.            and gas prices, and in part because of hydro-  increased.
                         carbon importers developing more domestic   Oil demand will decline over the period of the
       WHAT NEXT:        energy supply. And this will mean that global  outlook, BP notes, as its use in road transport
       The company has   emissions reduce more quickly, BP said.  declines in favour of electrification, and vehi-
       stressed the need for an   BP outlines three scenarios in its outlook.  cles become more efficient. The outlook for nat-
       orderly transition from oil   The first two – Accelerated and Net Zero – are  ural gas will depend on the pace of the energy
       and gas to avoid future   broadly in line with IPCCs scenarios that are  transition and how demand grows in emerging
       crises.           consistent with Paris Agreement goals. These  economies.
                         scenarios envisage the substantial cut in carbon   BP warns that the current energy crisis
                         emissions – 75% in Accelerated and more than  demonstrates that the transition away from
                         95% in Net Zero. Net Zero will also involve a  oil and gas should be orderly, so that supply
                         shift in societal behaviour and preferences to  declines in line with demand and not at a faster
                         support increased energy efficiency and the  rate. Upstream investment must continue over   The outlook
                         greater adoption of low-carbon technologies.  the next three decades to offset natural decline at
                         This is to say that they are scenarios based on  already-developed fields, the company stresses.  for natural gas
                         predetermined outcomes.               The decarbonisation of the global power sys-  will depend on
                           BP’s third scenario, New Momentum, fore-  tem will be driven by the greater deployment
                         casts the current trajectory of the global energy  of wind and solar power, BP notes, and both   the pace of the
                         system, based on current trends and known pol-  low-carbon hydrogen and carbon capture uti-
                         icy directions. It stresses “the marked increase  lisation and storage (CCUS) will play critical  energy transition
                         in global ambition for decarbonisation in recent  roles in decarbonising hard-to-abate industries,
                         years, as well as on the manner and speed of  according to the company.       and how
                         decarbonisation seen over the recent past.”                                demand grows
                           The UK cautions that “the scenarios are not  A break from the past
                         predictions of what is likely to happen or what  In contrast with its previous outlooks, all three of   in emerging
                         BP would like to happen.” Furthermore, it states  BP’s scenarios now envisage final energy peaking
                         that “the many uncertainties surrounding the  within the next three decades, owing to energy   economies.
                         transition of the global energy system mean  efficiency gains. But as was the case in previous
                         that the probability of any one of these scenar-  reports, BP warns that in the New Momentum
                         ios materialising exactly as described is negligi-  scenario, the world is lagging far behind the nec-
                         ble.” Nevertheless, the outlook provides useful  essary course to reach net zero by 2050. In New
                         insight on how global energy trends may play  Momentum, global carbon emissions will only
                         out over the next three decades.     be around 30% lower than the level they were
                           BP bases all three scenarios on a number of  at in 2019. Electrification will drive emissions

       P6                                       www. NEWSBASE .com                       Week 08   23•February•2023
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