Page 12 - GLNG Week 47 2022
P. 12

GLNG                                                ASIA                                               GLNG
       Japan bundles up for winter

       energy crisis, says long-

       term LNG ‘sold out’

        SUPPLY           JAPANESE politicians have resorted to giving  LNG and gas prices were very low and also the
                         fashion advice as the country prepares for a win-  coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic, when the
                         ter that could bring hiccups to energy supply.  energy markets saw a severe drop in demand and
                         Tokyo Governor Yuriko Koike has urged the  an uncertain future made investment unviable.
                         Japanese to wear turtleneck sweaters this winter   Although big LNG exporters like Qatar,
                         in order to stay warm and be less reliant on home  which recently signed a 27-year supply contract
                         and office heating systems.          with China, and the US, which expects to see a
                           “Warming the neck has a thermal effect,” she  boost in its export capacity in the next couple
                         said. “I’m wearing a turtleneck myself and wear-  years, are ploughing ahead with plans to greatly
                         ing a scarf also keeps you warm. This is one of  expand LNG production, long-term contracts
                         the tools to get through the harsh winter energy  will not be available until 2026, according to the
                         climate together,” she told reporters in Tokyo  ministry.
                         recently.                              In early October, JBIC said it would make
                           The Japanese government has asked the  nearly $900mn available to JERA, a joint venture
                         entire country to conserve electricity usage from  between Tokyo Electric Power Co. (TEPCO) and
                         December 1 until March 31 in the face of a global  Chubu Electric Power, in syndication with finan-
                         LNG shortage. Conservation measures are in  cial institutions from the private sector for LNG
                         place in order to prepare for a sudden increase  spot market purchases. And at the end of the
                         in power demand that could arise with a sudden  month, JBIC said it would make a further $674
                         drop in temperature or a glitch that could affect  mn in loans available to the group. Announcing
                         supply capacity. Prices for LNG have skyrock-  its latest loan to JERA, JBIC said the money is
                         eted in the wake of Russia’s invasion of Ukraine  aimed at supporting JERA’s import of LNG to
                         and actions taken by Western countries to halt  secure a stable supply of electricity by ensuring a
                         the purchase of Russian energy sources, espe-  consistent energy flow to Japan.
                         cially pipeline gas to Europe, which in turn has   Australia was Japan’s largest LNG supplier
                         put the focus on LNG.                in 2021, covering 40% of imports. But Australia
                           Japan relies on energy imports for almost all  is facing its own domestic gas crisis whereby
                         of its energy. The country’s worry over sufficient  its populous eastern coast is seeing greater gas
                         power supply has led it to bring a number of its  demand and price rises, while 80% of Austral-
                         nuclear power plants (NPPs) back online follow-  ian gas is exported. Members of the Australian
                         ing the 2011 tsunami and Fukushima nuclear  parliament have called for exports to be limited
                         crisis, and it has returned to coal to make up the  and for Australian LNG delivered to domestic
                         slack in energy supply, although Tokyo remains  markets.
                         committed to its net-zero programme. But LNG   A deal between the government and export-
                         is the preferred fuel for electricity generation and  ers is said to have been reached so as not to actu-
                         procuring sufficient stocks has proved challeng-  ally restrict some LNG from leaving Australia.
                         ing in a market where supply is short.  Bearing this in mind, Australian Resources Min-
                           While Japan appears to have secured suffi-  ister Madeleine King reassured Japanese Minis-
                         cient supply to get through the winter of 2022-23,  ter of Economy, Trade and Industry Yasutoshi
                         concerns exist about energy supply consistency  Nishimura during a recent visit to Tokyo that
                         and about future winters as it becomes increas-  deliveries of Australian LNG and coal to Japan
                         ingly clear that LNG is scarce and prices on the  would not be disrupted.
                         global spot market have hit an exorbitant level.  But Japan is right to be cautious about supply.
                           Japan’s Ministry of Economy, Trade and  Last month, Malaysia’s state-owned oil and gas
                         Industry (METI) said last week that long-term  company Petronas declared force majeure on gas
                         contract supplies of LNG are sold out until 2026,  supply to its MLNG Dua facility due to a pipe-
                         setting the scene for fierce competition among  line disruption. Japan is expected to lose as many
                         major East Asian LNG importers like Japan,  as 10 cargoes as a result, but it is not expecting
                         China and South Korea, and probably even  the interruption of supply to create any major
                         Europe for the winter of 2023-24.    problems. Japan has, however, asked Petronas
                           Under-investment in LNG export projects  to replace the lost LNG cargoes as soon as it is
                         was deemed the reason for the shortage of LNG,  capable of doing so.™
                         a consequence of a time several years ago when

       P12                                      www. NEWSBASE .com                       Week 47  24•November•2022
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