Page 6 - MEOG Week 03 2022
P. 6

MEOG                                   PIPELINES & TRANSPORT                                           MEOG

       BOTAS resumes Kirkuk-Ceyhan

       flows following explosion

        TURKEY/IRAQ      TURKISH state-owned pipeline operator Botas   In September, the Iraqi Ministry of Oil
                         this week said that it had stopped oil flows  (MoO) announced that the governments of Iraq
                         through the Kirkuk-Ceyhan oil pipeline to deal  and Turkey would work to re-open the 970-km
                         with an explosion and fire in the south-eastern  pipeline which carries Iraqi crude from Kirkuk
                         Kahramnmaras province before reopening it the  to export facilities in Ceyhan on the Turkish
                         next day.                            Mediterranean coast.
                           The company said on January 18 that the   Iraqi Oil Minister Ihsan Abdul Jabbar met
                         explosion had caused a fire, adding that fire-  with Turkish Ambassador to Baghdad Ali Riza
                         fighters and emergency personnel had been sent  Guney to discuss plans “to rehabilitate the stra-
                         to contain the blaze. It added that the explosion  tegic pipeline to transfer crude oil” from the Gulf
                         had occurred near the “511th kilometre” of the  to Europe.
                         pipeline, but that the cause of the incident was   Kirkuk-Ceyhan, which is often also referred
                         unknown.                             to as the Iraq-Turkey Pipeline (ITP), consists
                           Kahramanmaras Mayor Hayrettin Gungor  of two strings, which originally had an original
                         was quoted by the Ihlas News Agency as say-  combined nameplate capacity of 1.6mn bpd,
                         ing that the explosion had not resulted in any  with the wider, 46-inch (1,168-mm) pipe capable
                         casualties.                          of carrying 1.1mn bpd and the narrower 40-inch
                           The following morning, Botas said that the  (1,016-mm) line 500,000 bpd.
                         fire had been extinguished and added that “all   However, following years of sabotage and dis-
                         necessary measures have been taken by Botas  repair, Kirkuk-Ceyhan has rarely been capable
                         teams and oil flow will start within 1 hour”.  of achieving anywhere near 500,000 bpd and the
                           Flows of crude through the line from the  Iraqi segment of the facility has not been opera-
                         Kurdistan region of northern Iraq to Ceyhan ran  tional since the rise of so-called IS in 2014.
                         at around 450,000 barrels per day during 2021,   The Iraqi and Turkish sections meet near a
                         with that average dropping to around 350,000  metering station at the border town of Fishkha-
                         bpd in October-December. Prior to the explo-  bour. Meanwhile, a pipeline built by the Kurdis-
                         sion, the pipeline had been carrying less than  tan Regional Government (KRG) in 2013, which
                         300,000 bpd. Federal Iraqi crude piped through  runs from the Taq Taq field via Khurmala, also
                         the line ran at less than 90,000 bpd in December,  connects to the Turkish line at Fishkhabour. This
                         according to state oil marketer SOMO.  line was designed to carry 700,000 bpd.™

       P6                                       www. NEWSBASE .com                        Week 03   19•January•2022
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