Page 23 - TURKRptSep20
P. 23

        Bernard Emie, appointed in 2017 as head of the main French intel agency DGSE, have also worked in Turkey and, like Moore, both speak Turkish.
Haspel served in Ankara for three years as a CIA case officer in the early 2000s.
Emie served as French Ambassador to Ankara from 2007 to 2011. And that’s not all.
Vladimir Putin’s spokesperson Dmitry Peskov is a Turkologist who served as an official at the Soviet/Russian embassy in Ankara from 1990 to 1994.
Moore proved to be an unprecedented ambassador.
“This news also comes with MIT’s role in Turkey’s security and foreign policies in a process of expansion, as stated by President Recep Tayyip Erdogan last week. He particularly cited the Turkish army’s engagements in Syria and Libya as well as the fight against terror outside the Turkish territories. Thus, more dialogue and cooperation between MI6 and MIT should not surprise anybody,” Serkan Demirtas wrote on August 1 in his column headlined “Turkish, British intel agencies likely to boost dialogue” for Hurriyet Daily News.
“As a matter of fact, the bilateral cooperation in the field of security, particularly in anti-terrorism combat, is already very good and satisfying both governments. Under Moore’s helm, one may only envisage a deeper and effective institutional relationship between the two intelligence services,” Demirtas added.
 2.8​ ​Business and consumer confidence surveys 2.9​ ​Politics - shorts
   The consumer confidence index in Turkey ​retreated​ to 59.6 in August from 60.9 in July.
         Erdogan ​fired​ the head of the country’s financial crimes investigations unit​.
Turkey ​condemned​ the oil deal between the US oil company and Syrian Kurds​.
US District Judge Richard Berman in Manhattan ​said​ in an order on August 24 that Halkbank’s recusal motion had no substantive merit. A trial date has been set for March 1, 2021.
Turkey has such difficult relations with so many countries that its options for acquiring a stopgap fighter plane are extremely ​limited​.
Government-owned Turkish Aerospace Industries has hired one of Ankara’s go-to US law firms, Greenberg Traurig, and its frequent subcontractor, Capital Counsel, to help break a ​de facto arms embargo​ being imposed on Turkey by the US Congress, Ahval ​reported​, citing filings required by the US Foreign Agents Registration Act.
The shipping of steam generators for the initial unit of Turkey’s first nuclear power station—Akkuyu Nuclear Power Plant—is under way, the reactor's Russian manufacturer Atomenergomash has said​, as ​cited​ by Daily Sabah. The first reactor of the plant is to go online in 2023 if all goes to plan.
       23​ TURKEY Country Report​ September 2020 ​ ​

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