Page 14 - MEOG Week 27 2022
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is “an important milestone” that will lead to OQ signs deal to sponsor wider horizons for Omanis by developing
the economic development of both countries their capabilities.
besides providing full support in this regard. the Innovation Platform Mariyam Al Aamriyah expressed
OGDCL, MPCL, GHPL, and PPL gratitude for OQ’S support for the OQ Youth
(Operator) each own 25% shares in the OQ group has signed an agreement with the Innovation Platform and how it is important
independent company. ‘Youth Vision’ to sponsor the OQ Innovation to unleash the scientific energies of youth
PROPAKISTANI Platform initiative as a part of OQ’s efforts within the innovation arenas.
to promote Omani youth initiatives & OQ
innovation in scientific fields which aims to
SERVICES achieve sustainability. The initiative aims to Sohar Port and OOMCO
establish an innovative program that contains
CPECC wins FEED contract educational materials for Omani youth which signs long-term bunkering
will enable national competencies to obtain
at Eridu in Iraq the required skills, technical know-how and deal
leadership which is required to be successful
China Petroleum Engineering & Construction in the modern technology market. Oman Oil Marketing Company (OOMCO)
Company (CPECC) has won a LUKOIL On behalf of OQ, the agreement was and Sohar Port and Freezone have signed
contract to provide preliminary engineering signed by Mariam Al Shibaniyah, VP of a long-term bunker license agreement for
and design services (FEED) for the Eridu oil HR, Technology & Work Culture at OQ OOMCO to provide marine fuels to vessels
field in southern Iraq. and Mariyam Al Aamriyah, the CEO of visiting Sohar Port and also at the anchorage
CPECC, a subsidiary of China National Youth Vision. Commenting on the occasion, area.
Petroleum Corporation (CNPC), has been Mariyam Al Shibaniyah said, “The OQ The bunker license will see Oman Oil
working on a contract with Eridu since 2018. Innovation Platform falls under the Social Marketing Company operate the 10,000
In 2019 , the head of LUKOIL , V. Investment Program and is based on support metric tonne bunker barge MT ALPHA to
Alekperov, discussed with the Iraqi authorities & growth within the fields of education, enhance the position of Sohar Port as the port
the acceleration of the development of the health and economic wellbeing. of choice in the region for vessel owners and
Eridu field. She noted that innovation & inventions, operators requiring bunkering services by
Iraqi Oil Minister T. al-Ghadban at is a sector that has the attention of the improving turnaround times and maintaining
SPIEF-2019 also discussed with V. Alekperov Government of His majesty Sultan Haitham supply chain efficiency.
the acceleration of field development. bin Tariq and OQ translates this interest with The bunker barge is capable of supplying
However, the OPEC + agreement on the various authorities and companies to employ all low sulphur fuel-compliant marine fuels,
reduction of oil production has made innovation in their work fields. Bearing this in in line with IMO 2020. Fuels available will
adjustments to the activities of oil companies mind, OQ intends to involve the Omani youth include very low sulphur fuel oil (VLSFO)
in Iraq. via Youth Vision within these projects to 0.5% and low sulphur marine gas oil (MGO)
Iraq undertook to compensate for excess contribute towards enhancing the added value 0.1% and high sulphur fuel oil (HSFO) 3.5%
production in excess of the established quotas of these projects and expand the innovation at delivery rates up to 1,000 cubic meters per
by the end of 2020 and turned to ExxonMobil, to employ it in the needed areas within the hour.
BP, LUKOIL and others with a request to nation. In a press statement, Tarik al Junaidi,
reduce oil production. She also added that through this CEO of Oman Oil Marketing Company said,
The Eridu field was discovered by LUKOIL agreement, OQ seeks to sponsor programs “We are very pleased with the performance
in 2016 at oil and gas bearing block 10, which that contribute to the development of society of our bunker equipment and team, and we
was the largest discovery in Iraqi oil and gas and youth, believing in the importance of look forward to utilising our capability and
in 20 years. supporting these quality initiatives that resources to supply Sohar Port and Freezone
NEFTEGAZ contribute to further motivate Omani youth. with high quality bunker fuels that meet
She emphasized that this initiative would open the highest international standards and
P14 www. NEWSBASE .com Week 27 06•July•2022