Page 4 - MEOG Week 27 2022
P. 4

MEOG                                          COMMENTARY                                               MEOG

       Iran signs deal to fund Azadegan

       expansion as it slashes OSPs

       Iran has signed a deal with local banks for funding to expand output from the country’s
       largest oilfield as traders say Iranian crude prices have been slashed to remain competitive.

        IRAN             THE National Iranian Oil Co. (NIOC) has   NIOC’s subsidiary’s responsible for the field,
                         signed a deal with a group of local banks, oilfield  Petroleum Engineering and Development Co.
                         developers and the National Development Fund  (PEDEC) and Petropars, kicked off a 10-well
       WHAT:             of Iran (NDFI) to provide $7bn to expand capac-  drilling campaign at South Azadegan in March.
       Tehran has signed an   ity at the supergiant Azadegan oilfield.  North Azadegan is further behind in its
       MoU for the financing   The deal was announced shortly after Oil  development having entered production in 2016.
       and development of its   Minister Javad Owji took to social media to say   While the Ministry of Petroleum (MoP) had
       Azadegan expansion   that the field, Iran’s largest, would likely surpass  previously set a target of 320,000 bpd for the first
       project.          output expectations.                 phase of South Azadegan by March 2023, with a
                           Meanwhile, traders have been quoted saying  second development phase seen adding another
       WHY:              that the price for Iranian crude has been heavily  280,000 bpd, NIOC’s director of corporate plan-
       The field is Iran’s biggest   discounted to ensure parity with Urals flows.  ning Karim Zobeidi said in May that output
       and output is seen                                     from the two fields would reach 220,000 bpd by
       increasing from 190,000   Azadegan agreement           that date. The latter figure was reiterated in this
       bpd to nearly 600,000   On July 6, state media showed images of NIOC  week’s announcement.
       bpd as part of a wider   CEO Mohsen Khojastehmehr signing the mem-  Khojastehmehr said that the financing would
       output expansion push.  orandum of understanding (MoU) with officials  cover plans to expand total output to 570,000
                         from a group of undisclosed financiers, accom-  bpd, though Owji noted: “As an expert in oil and
       WHAT NEXT:        panied with comments from Owji who outlined  gas reservoirs, I say that considering the high
       As it increases   plans for the expansion of Azadegan’s produc-  capacity of this field, it is realistic to expect a pro-
       production, Iran is likely   tion capacity.            duction level of over 590,000 bpd from this field.”
       to have to undercut   Home to around 32bn barrels of oil in place  This figure has not been mentioned elsewhere,
       competitors for market   (OIP) across the Sarvak, Kazhdomi, Godvan  though [it] is broadly in line with the original
       share in Asia unless talks   and Fahilan layers, Azadegan is Iran’s largest oil-  target for the field.
       in Vienna bear fruit.  field and is split into two development projects   The MoU follows comments by the NIOC
                         – south and north. The giant reservoir is shared  head in May, suggesting that a contract for the
                         with Iraq, where it is known Majnoon (Insane)  expansion of the two fields would be awarded
                         on account of its size.              “to a consortium comprised of exploration and
                           Despite its great potential and nearly 200  production companies” in which each would
                         wells having already been drilled on the south-  have an equal share. “The final contract is not an
                         ern site alone, recovery factors across the asset  exclusive deal and we do not intend to award the
                         have slowed progress, with primary recovery on  field to just one or two companies, but it will be
                         the Sarvak layer, which covers around 90% of the  awarded to all of them,” Khojastehmehr added.
                         field’s reserves, just 5.1% in the south and 4.5% in   Owji declared that the NIOC had negotiated
                         the north, according to NIOC. Secondary recov-  with “five or six companies, a large domestic
                         ery rates are around 10% and 2.5% respectively.  bank and the NDFI for an investment of $7bn
                           While the development of Azadegan has pre-  […] according to the planning, many wells are
                         viously been split between the north and south  going to be drilled in this field.” NIOC said that
                         projects, NIOC said that the agreement pertains  a total of 420 production and injection wells
                         to the whole field.                  would be drilled with the project including the
                           Project tracking data compiled by Middle  construction of five manifolds and the installa-
                         East Oil & Gas (MEOG) shows that South Aza-  tion of 315,000-320,000 km of pipelines.
                         degan was running at 140,000 barrels per day
                         during 2021, with North Azadegan flowing at  Funding frustrations
                         around 75,000 bpd.                   The Oil Minister told local media over the
                           However, Owji and Khojastehmehr both said  weekend that the industry had previously failed
                         total output is currently in the region of 190,000  to invest in development projects due to US
                         bpd, suggesting that North Azadegan’s produc-  sanctions.
                         tion has been constrained.             “Unfortunately, in recent years, we have not

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