Page 5 - MEOG Week 47 2021
P. 5

MEOG                                         COMMENTARY                                               MEOG

                         Total optimism                       Petronas this week reporting that drilling had
                         Cause for optimism came by way of the mega-  begun on a new well.
                         deal finalised between Baghdad and France’s   Meanwhile, state-owned Iraqi Drilling Co.
                         TotalEnergies in September.          (IDC) is collaborating with various international
                           This foresees an investment of up to $27bn  partners to drill wells at the Missan oilfield clus-
                         over the 25-year contract and will entail raised  ter (150 wells), the giant Zubair field (37) and
                         oil production, gas capture and utilisation, solar  Nasiriyah (20).
                         PV and the development of the stalled Common   Perhaps the most gratifying for Baghdad
                         Seawater Supply Facility (CSSF) which Exxon-  is that IDC secured a deal to drill 30 wells for
                         Mobil had been overseeing.           BP, PetroChina and Basra Oil Co. (BOC) at the
                           The latter will likely play a far larger role in  country’s main workhorse asset, Rumaila, which
                         Iraq’s ability to achieve its goal than the 125,000  has been producing around 1.4mn bpd in 2021.
                         bpd production increase TotalEnergies is   The companies are partners in the Rumaila
                         expected to bring to the Ratawi field.  Operating Organization (ROO), which remains
                           While reducing flaring and increasing  in discussions with the MoO to determine short-
                         improving electricity supplies are key strate-  term production targets.
                         gic ambitions of the Iraqi authorities, the main   The field’s plateau level was negotiated down-
                         boon for Baghdad was that it attracted such a  ward from 2.85mn bpd to 2.1mn bpd in 2014, a
                         significant commitment from a premier global  figure which BP said it was still working towards
                         company despite other firms’ efforts to leave and  last year.
                         amid growing pressure for IOCs to embrace the   In an interview with Iraq Oil Report this
                         energy transition.                   week, ROO director Hussein Abdul-Kadhim
                           More than 90% of state receipts coming from  Hussein said: “There is a possibility that produc-
                         the sale of crude oil and Iraq must continue to  tion levels will fall and then rise. We expect pro-
                         prioritise oilfield development while charter-  duction to reach 1.65mn bpd in 2025.”
                         ing its own course towards a cleaner future. As   However, there remain questions over
                         it becomes trickier for field developers to access  whether Iraq can achieve its 3mn bpd output
                         international funding sources, Baghdad is incen-  boost. Speaking to MEOG, Ian Simm, principal
                         tivised to ramp up drilling activities as quickly  advisor at consultancy IGM Energy, said: “Iraq
                         as possible.                         certainly has the potential to increase produc-
                           With time of the essence, there are numer-  tion significantly. Its fields are world class and
                         ous campaigns under way at other assets across  reserve figures could be due an upgrade.”
                         the country that will add incremental crude   He added: “Considering all of the current
                         volumes.                             plans, we estimate that Iraq could raise oil pro-
                           According to plans recently submitted to the  duction by around 2-2.5mn bpd by 2027 while
                         MoO, Lukoil and Japanese partner Inpex Corp.  capturing significant volumes of gas that would
                         are expecting to reach plateau production of  otherwise be flared. While short of the target, it
                         250,000 bpd at their Eridu oilfield in Block 10,  would be a major achievement. However, much
                         around 190km west of WQ.             will depend on the political and security land-
                           A little to the north, the partners in the Ghar-  scape as well as the success of the CSSF, plans
                         raf oilfield are working to increase output from  for which have already been narrowed in scope
                         the current 70,000 bpd to 230,000 bpd with  compared those of Exxon.”™

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