Page 17 - MEOG Week 45
P. 17

MEOG                                       NEWS IN BRIEF                                              MEOG

       COMPANIES                           operators looking for more sustainable ways   OIL
                                           to increase the productivity of mature fields.
       ADNOC to explore potential          by Al Reyadah Company, which sources gas   Opportunities to outweigh
                                             Adnoc has used carbon dioxide captured
       of new fuels such as                from industrial factories in Mussafah, to   challenges post-COVID
                                           enhance oil recovery.
       hydrogen                            harvest 2.4 million tonnes of carbon dioxide   The Abu Dhabi International Petroleum
                                             The state-owned oil company also plans to
                                                                                Exhibition and Conference (ADIPEC) 2020
       Adnoc will explore the potential of new fuels   from the Shah gas plant, while the Habshan   Virtual opened with a bullish forecast for the
       such as hydrogen as it moves to reduce its   and Bab plants could allow for the capture   sector to emerge stronger from the COVID-19
       carbon intensity over the next decade.  and use of about 2 million tonnes of carbon   pandemic with opportunities outweighing
         “We all have a role to play and we as an   dioxide.                    challenges, according to ADNOC CEO Dr.
       industry can do more on climate change,”   Meanwhile, Dr Al Jaber said the “long-  Sultan Al Jaber. In his keynote address, Al
       said Dr Sultan Al Jaber, Adnoc group chief   term fundamentals” of the energy industry   Jaber extended his congratulations to US
       executive and Minister for Industry and   remained intact.               President Elect, Joe Biden, and Vice President
       Advanced Technology.                  “We expect that oil demand will grow to   Elect Kamala Harris, before sharing an
         Dr Al Jaber was speaking at the annual Abu  over 105 million barrels per day by 2030 and   optimistic outlook for an oil and gas industry
       Dhabi International Petroleum Exhibition and   continue to supply over half the world’s energy  challenged by “strange times”.
       Conference, which is being held online this   needs for many decades to come,” he said.  While stressing that the oil and gas
       year due to Covid-19.                 “At the same time, the petrochemicals   industry is facing “new questions every day”,
         “Adnoc is already one of the least carbon   sector will continue to grow at a healthy pace,   with answers appearing “harder to find than
       intensive producers in the world ... and   through and beyond 2050.”     ever before,” Al Jaber said the entire sector
       [over] the next 10 years, we will reduce our   He noted that 75 million bpd of oil was   was unified in meeting the challenges of the
       greenhouse gas intensity by ... 25 per cent.”  consumed around the world between March   pandemic, adding the industry would survive
         The company plans to expand its carbon   and April. Oil demand was below 90 million   fortified.
       capture programme to store about five million   bpd for only 12 weeks this year.  “We are, all of us, in this together,” he said.
       tonnes of carbon dioxide annually.    “So, we know the world still needs oil and   “And together we can come through it… and
         Big oil companies have pledged to   gas,” he said. Dr Al Jaber also highlighted   emerge stronger…much stronger.”
       reduce their carbon footprint this year   the company’s shift to digitisation and cost   The key, Al Jaber said, is the certainty
       amid a change in narrative in the fossil fuel   efficiencies attributed to artificial intelligence.  of a post-COVID upswing in oil and gas
       industry prompted by coronavirus-induced   “We have saved over $1bn in the last   demand and of sector resilience borne out of
       restrictions.                       four years by leveraging big data through   its talent base and capabilities. “The months
         Movement restrictions, which led to a   our Panorama command centre. We have   ahead will be challenging, and oil demand
       halt in global air and ground transport and   captured an additional $2bn by adopting   may fluctuate,” he cautioned: “but make no
       curbed oil demand, also prompted oil and gas   digital drilling,” he said.  mistake… the long-term fundamentals of our
       companies to re-evaluate their strategies.  On Sunday, Schlumberger, the world’s   industry remain intact.
         BP wrote off oil and gas assets worth $17.5   largest oil and gas services company, said it   “We expect oil demand will grow to
       billion this year and plans to achieve net zero   was joining Group 42 and AIQ to develop   over 105 million barrels per day by 2030
       carbon emissions by 2050.           and sell AI products to the exploration and   and continue to supply over half the world’s
         Adnoc intends to expand its carbon   production market around the world.  energy needs for many decades to come,” he
       capture, utilisation and storage programme to   AIQ is a joint venture between G42 and   added. “At the same time, the petrochemicals
       handle 5 million tonnes of carbon dioxide by   Adnoc to develop and commercialise AI   sector will continue to grow at a healthy
       2030, up from 800,000 tonnes currently.  products and applications for the oil and gas   pace through and beyond 2050 in line with
         Harvesting carbon dioxide for use in oil   industry.                   a steadily expanding global middle class.
       wells has become popular among upstream   NATIONAL                       These are long-term positive trends, and they
                                                                                highlight the central role that our industry can
                                                                                and should play in a post-COVID recovery.”
                                                                                  Al Jaber said opportunities are on the
                                                                                horizon for the industry to become more agile
                                                                                and safe with a lower cost base. ADNOC, he
                                                                                said, would seize opportunities to accelerate
                                                                                its drive to control costs and unlock value
                                                                                across its portfolio. He disclosed that the UAE
                                                                                oil major has already saved over $3 billion
                                                                                over the past four years by leveraging big data
                                                                                through its Panorama Command Centre and
                                                                                adopting digital drilling.
                                                                                  Al Jaber also said ADNOC would
                                                                                strengthen its active trading foothold, which
                                                                                saw it recently complete its first derivatives
                                                                                trade. “Next month, we will begin trading the
                                                                                full portfolio of our refined products and the

       Week 45   11•November•2020               www. NEWSBASE .com                                             P17
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