Page 11 - GLNG Week 02 2022
P. 11
Saipem wins Australia, Guyana
offshore contracts
PROJECTS & ITALY’S Saipem has been awarded two new off- intensity sources of LNG globally.
COMPANIES shore contracts – one for the Scarborough pro- Saipem’s work at Scarborough will be mainly
ject in Australia and the other for the Yellowtail conducted by the Castorone pipelaying vessel,
development in Guyana. Combined, the two which Caio described as a “versatile and state-
contracts are worth $1.1bn. of-the-art asset”.
“The award of these contracts represents a The Yellowtail contract, meanwhile, has been
significant confirmation of the trust of our clients awarded to Saipem by Esso Exploration and
in Saipem’s ability to execute complex offshore Production Guyana Ltd (EEPGL), a subsidiary
At Scarborough, projects worldwide,” said Saipem’s CEO and gen- of ExxonMobil. The project is located in the pro-
Saipem’s work includes eral manager, Francesco Caio, in the company’s lific Stabroek block offshore Guyana, which is
export trunkline coating January 11 statement. home to more than 20 “significant” discoveries,
and installation of At Scarborough, Saipem has received notice at a water depth of around 1,800 metres.
the pipeline that will to proceed (NTP) from operator Woodside for The contract relates to the engineering, pro-
connect the offshore export trunkline coating and installation of the curement, construction and installation (EPCI)
field with the onshore pipeline that will connect the offshore gas field of the subsea umbilicals, risers and flowlines
Pluto LNG plant. with the onshore Pluto LNG plant. (SURF) for Yellowtail.
The Scarborough field is located in the Car- The greenfield Yellowtail development will
narvon Basin, offshore Western Australia. New include subsea drilling centres that will be linked
offshore facilities will be built for the project, and to a new floating production storage and off-
connected by a roughly 430-km export trunkline loading unit (FPSO). Each of the subsea drilling
to a second LNG train that will be constructed centres will be equipped with separate oil pro-
at the existing Pluto LNG plant. The first cargo duction, water injection and gas injection wells.
from the project is expected to be delivered in Saipem’s FDS2 vessel will conduct the off-
2026. shore operations, while its recently opened fabri-
Saipem stated that the Scarborough devel- cation facility in Guyana will build the deepwater
opment would be among the lowest carbon structural elements.
AMERICAS from the NYSE within 10 days. McDermott’s CB&I to build
The Partnership’s Series A and B preferred
Teekay LNG Partners closes units, which trade on the NYSE under the LNG storage tanks to heat
ticker symbols “TGP PR A” and “TGP PR
acquisition by Stonepeak B”, respectively, will remain outstanding and homes and businesses in
continue to trade on the NYSE.
and will rebrand as partnership will rebrand as Seapeak. The southeastern Wisconsin
With the acquisition complete, the
Seapeak Partnership intends to convert to a limited during the coldest winter
liability company during the first quarter of
Teekay LNG Partners today announced 2022, at which time it will change its name to days
that it completed the previously announced Seapeak LLC and change its Series A and B
acquisition of the Partnership by investment preferred units ticker symbols to “SEAL PR A” McDermott’s storage business, CB&I, has
vehicles managed by Stonepeak. and “SEAL PR B”, respectively. been contracted by We Energies to design
All common units will convert into the As Seapeak, the partnership will launch and build two liquefied natural gas (LNG)
right to receive $17.00 per common unit a new organisational vision and identity, storage tanks for peak shaving facilities in
in cash, subject to deductions of applicable reflecting intentions to renew and grow its southeastern Wisconsin.
withholding tax. The common units, which primary business of owning and operating “Demand for natural gas fluctuates daily
trade on the New York Stock Exchange LNG carriers, and to explore potential and seasonally,” said Cesar Canals, Senior Vice
(“NYSE”) under the ticker symbol “TGP”, will adjacencies. President of CB&I. “By storing LNG when
be suspended from trading today and delist TEEKAY LNG PARTNERS, January 13, 2022 demand is low, energy companies can ensure
Week 02 14•January•2022 www. NEWSBASE .com P11