Page 4 - MEOG Week 38 2021
P. 4

MEOG                                          COMMENTARY                                               MEOG

       Work ongoing to expand

       Halfaya as Iraq gas deal agreed

       Iraq is moving to increase oil production, while fitful efforts to develop gas resources

       have been boosted by an agreement to capture associated gas from southern oilfields.

        IRAQ             IRAQ’S state-owned Missan Oil Co. (MOC) this  barrels. Middle East Oil & Gas (MEOG) under-
                         week confirmed that work remains ongoing with  stands that the full cost of extraction at Halfaya
                         its Chinese partner to develop the Halfaya oil-  is $15 per barrel, compared with an average of
       WHAT:             field, while a major gas capture deal was agreed  $5 per barrel across other Iraqi fields, including
       Work is ongoing to   with US-based Baker Hughes.       capital expenditure.
       increase oil production at   The two developments are illustrative of   PetroChina is believed to have invested at
       the south-eastern Halfaya   Baghdad’s dual-pronged strategy of achieving a  least $3bn in Phase 1 and 2 of Halfaya.
       field while drilling   3mn barrel per day (bpd) hike in oil production   In August state-owned Iraqi Drilling Co.
       continues nearby.  capacity by 2027 and increasing the availability  (IDC) signed an agreement with the China
                         of gas for electricity generation and industrial  National Offshore Oil Co. (CNOOC) to drill
       WHY:              uses.                                150 wells at the Buzurgan oilfield in Missan.
       Baghdad is pushing to                                  At the time, IDC director Bassim Abdul Karim
       raise oil production from   Missan possible            said that the contract would be carried out in two
       5mn bpd now to 8mn bpd   Halfaya is the largest oilfield in the eastern May-  stages, the first of which would include the drill-
       by 2027.          san Governorate and the remaining third devel-  ing of 71 wells, with the second to be kicked off
                         opment phase is seen adding another 100,000  at a later date.
       WHAT NEXT:        bpd to the current production capacity of around   Abdul Karim noted that 22 of the wells would
       Baker Hughes this week   300,000 bpd. The expansion work aligns with the  be drilled in partnership with China National
       signed a deal to capture   MoO’s intention of raising oil output from 5mn  Petroleum Corp. (CNPC) subsidiary CNPC
       5.7 mcm per day of   bpd to 8mn bpd by 2027.           Bohai Drilling Engineering Co. (BHDC) “at a
       associated gas from the   Speaking to the Iraqi News Agency (INA) this  cost of up to $160mn”.
       Gharraf and Nassiriyah   week, MOC director-general Ali Jassim Ham-  Buzurgan is joined by Abu Ghraib and Faqqa
       oilfields.        moud said that the partners remain engaged  to comprise the Missan Oil Fields concession,
                         in projects under the field’s third development  which is overseen by MOC, which is also respon-
                         phase to achieve the 400,000 bpd production  sible for the development of the Amara and Noor
                         plateau agreed when plans for the field’s devel-  fields that are operated under state control.
                         opment were revised in 2013.           A 20-year technical services contract (TSC)
                           The original 2009 contract signed with China  for the Missan fields was awarded in 2009 to a
                         National Petroleum Corp. (CNPC) subsidiary  consortium of CNOOC (63.75%), Turkey’s
                         PetroChina set a maximum remuneration fee of  TPAO (11.25%) and IDC (25%) calling for pla-
                         $1.40 per barrel to reach a production plateau of  teau production to reach 450,000 bpd based on
                         535,000 bpd, with the target revised downward  a maximum remuneration fee of $2.30 per bar-
                         when the government decided its 11mn bpd  rel. The fields are believed to contain combined
                         production target was too ambitious.  reserves of 1.5-1.7bn barrels.
                           Hammoud told INA: “Halfaya oilfield is one
                         of the most prominent fields of [MOC], as it is  Gas gathering momentum
                         being developed by CNPC under its contract  To the south, Baker Hughes this week agreed a
                         with the Ministry of Oil [MoO] to reach the pro-  deal with the MoO to capture up to 200mn cubic
                         duction of 400,000 bpd.”             feet (5.7mn cubic metres) per day of gas from the
                           He added: “The development operations also  Nassiriyah and Gharraf oilfields in Dhi Qar Gov-
                         include benefiting from the associated gas of  ernorate. The signing ceremony was attended by
                         crude oil in operating electric power plants and  local and American officials, including Ambas-
                         sustainable energy projects, and implementing  sador Matthew Tueller.
                         projects aimed at improving the service situa-  The company will construct modular gas
                         tion for the people living near the development  processing facilities at the oilfields to capture gas
                         projects.”                           associated with oil production.
                           Halfaya is located 35 km south of the city of   The deal builds on a 2017 agreement between
                         Amarah and has estimated oil reserves of 4.1bn  the US firm and the South Gas Co. which sought

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