Page 9 - LatAmOil Week 50 2022
P. 9

LatAmOil                                         GUYANA                                            LatAmOil

                         Speaking at a press conference in Georgetown,   loans that will need to be taken out to cover
                         he stated that the final cost of building the inte-  infrastructure, operational and maintenance
                         grated facility, which is slated to include a nat-  costs for GTE project’s onshore facility, he
                         ural gas liquids (NGL) plant and a 300-MW   added.
                         thermal power plant (TPP), would amount to   The GTE project calls for Guyana’s govern-
                         $759mn.                              ment to work together with ExxonMobil (US),
                           According to previous reports, CH4/Lind-  the operator of the offshore Stabroek block, to
                         sayca won the contest for the EPC contract by   establish the GTE network. ExxonMobil will be
                         offering to construct the integrated onshore   responsible for setting up the offshore portion
                         complex near Wales for $898mn. Jagdeo did not   of the system at a cost of around $1.3bn, while
                         say how the consortium had managed to bring   Georgetown will be responsible for the onshore
                         the budget down to $759mn.           part. The overall cost of the scheme is set to top
                           He did note, though, that Guyana’s gov-  $2bn.
                         ernment was taking steps to cover its share of   The offshore part of the system will consist
                         the GTE project’s costs. For example, he said,   of collection systems and field pipelines capa-
                         Georgetown will seek financing from the US   ble of gathering 50mn cubic feet (1.42mn cubic
                         Export-Import Bank (US Eximbank) to com-  metres) per day of gas from Liza-1 in the first
                         plement its own outlays.             phase of operations, as well as a 190-km trunk
                           The vice president did not reveal exactly how   pipeline connecting the fields to shore. In the
                         much credit Guyana intended to request from   second phase of operations, this offshore net-
                         the US Eximbank, but he did note that the coun-  work will be expanded so that it can gather gas
                         try’s legislature had approved plans for allocat-  from other oilfields, including Liza-2, and its
                         ing GYD20.8bn ($99.57mn) worth of budget   capacity raised to 120 mmcf (3.4 mcm) per day.
                         funds for the GTE project in 2022. Additional   Guyana’s government has said it expects
                         budget funds may be made available in 2023, he   ExxonMobil to finish offshore construction in
                         said, without elaborating.           the fourth quarter of 2024, in time to permit the
                           The government expects the NGL plant to   commissioning of the TPP before the end of the
                         generate revenue that can be used to repay the   same year. ™

                                                               Rendering of GTE pipeline route (Image: ExxonMobil)

       Bolivia reports on natural gas

       sales and revenues in 11M 2022

                         BOLIVIA’S national oil company (NOC) YPFB   $3.1899bn from gas sales in the same period.
                         has reported that it saw natural gas sales vol-  YPFB did not provide full comparative data
                         umes average 40.4mn cubic metres per day in   from the same interval of 2021, but it did say gas
                         the first 11 months of the year and that it earned   sales revenues had climbed by 23% year on year.

       Week 50   14•December•2022               www. NEWSBASE .com                                              P9
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