Page 15 - TURKRptFeb21
P. 15

The statistics institute TUIK (or Turkstat) will release Turkey’s official GDP figures for 2020 on March 1.
The order for 2021 currently stands at 5%. Forecasts will converge to the order to the statistics institute.
 4.0​ Real Economy 4.1​ Industrial production
       Electricity consumption in Turkey ​rose​ by just 0.14% y/y to 290.9 TWh in 2020 from 290.5 TWh in 2019.
Electricity consumption is seen as one of the more reliable gauges for economic activity in the country.
Turkey’s industrial production index was ​officially​ up 10% y/y in October and 11% y/y in ​November​.
     4.2​ Inflation
   The Turkish Statistical Institute (TUIK, or Turkstat) on December 3 ​surprised the market by announcing that official annual inflation reached 14.03% y/y in November, compared to the forecasts for between 12.3% and 13.08% made in a Reuters poll with a median estimate of 12.6%.
Official inflation ​rose​ to 14.6% y/y in December.
The Inflation Research Group (ENAG), led by Istanbul academics, data showed that the rate was at 36.72% in December.
   15​ TURKEY Country Report​ February 2021 ​ ​

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