Page 5 - LatAmOil Week 23 2020
P. 5

LatAmOil                                     COMMENTARY                                            LatAmOil

                         Maduro’s government probably did not take   described initial efforts to spread the fuel around
                         these steps without some trepidation, given that   the country as “chaotic” on June 5. It also said
                         the country’s last attempt to reduce gasoline sub-  that the Iranian supplies had started running out
                         sidies in 1989 did not go well. Instead, it led to   quickly because demand was so strong that driv-
                         a violent uprising now known as the Caracazo.  ers were trying to buy as much fuel as they could.
                           But as Reuters noted on June 7, Venezuelans
                         do not seem to have too many objections to the   Potential for discontent
                         new strategy – at least not yet. Instead, they are   Under these circumstances, the political opposi-
                         queuing up to buy fuel at the higher (but still   tion’s promise to act quickly to reverse the short-
                         subsidised) rates from regular filling stations   ages may start to sound more enticing.
                         or heading to less busy sites where they can pay   Earlier this week, the opposition claimed in
                         world market rates for gasoline without running   its new fuel supply strategy, called Plan Pais, that   “
                         up against the monthly quota system.  it was capable of restoring regular and adequate   PdVSA has set
                                                              supplies within just two weeks. If Maduro steps
                         Available quantities                 down in favour of Guaido, it said, the latter will   aside about
                         It remains to be seen whether attitudes change,   be able to work out a swap deal with PdVSA’s
                         and if so, how quickly. There is reason to believe   US-based subsidiary Citgo. The swap would see  100,000 barrels
                         that they will change, though.       PdVSA supplying crude oil to Citgo in exchange
                           Not all of the gasoline brought in from Iran   for deliveries of refined petroleum products,   of Iranian
                         will be staying in Venezuela. Argus Media last   in quantities large enough to meet domestic   gasoline for Cuba
                         week cited three PdVSA officials with knowl-  demand and also to load up storage facilities, it
                         edge of the matter as saying that some of the fuel   explained.
                         was being transferred from Venezuela to Cuba.  According to Plan Pais, this strategy would
                           According to the sources, PdVSA has set   help ensure that Venezuela received enough gas-
                         aside about 100,000 barrels of Iranian gasoline   oline and diesel to keep covering demand until
                         for Cuba. They told Argus Media on June 5 that   PdVSA’s two largest refineries could be brought
                         the Carlota C, a Cuban-registered vessel also   back online.
                         known as the Maria Cristina, had docked at El   These facilities, the 635,000 bpd Amuay plant
                         Palito, Venezuela, in preparation to transfer the   and the 305,000 bpd Cardon plant, are badly in
                         gasoline into its tanks. Shiptracking data show   need of repair. PdVSA has not been able to fix
                         that the ship’s previous port of call was Moa,   them and restore them to regular operations
                         Cuba. PdVSA has used the vessel before to move   because the US sanctions regime limits its access
                         Venezuelan crude oil to Cuba.        to parts and equipment. As a result, domestic
                           So far, Caracas has not said exactly how much   petroleum supplies have become extremely
                         Iranian gasoline PdVSA has received. But if the   unreliable.
                         company is diverting 100,000 barrels from the   The problem with this strategy is that it
                         total for shipment to another country, it fol-  hinges on Maduro’s removal from office – and
                         lows that there will be less available for sale to   there is no sign yet that Venezuelans are ready
                         Venezuelan drivers, who have already endured   to take this step. Even so, if the Iranian gaso-
                         months of shortages.                 line runs out quickly and Caracas cannot easily
                           At the same time, there are also reports of   secure more, discontent may rise – especially in
                         problems with the distribution of the gasoline   the face of the opposition’s promises to make the
                         that has remained in Venezuela. Argus Media   shortages a thing of the past. ™

       OPEC+ group breaks deadlock

       After a week’s wrangling, OPEC+ has agreed to extend the production cuts agreed for May and June

                         LAST week, we looked forward to OPEC+ and   The agreement, which is still to be ratified,
                         its allies coming together to decide whether to   would mean that OPEC+ will extend its record
       WHAT:             prolong historic output cuts. The length and   production curbs for another month until the
       OPEC+ will extend oil   extent of production curtailments remaining in   end of July. On the news, Brent crude, the global
       output cuts for a month.  place would be crucial to sustaining crude’s rally   benchmark, edged higher, nearing $40 a barrel.
                         after a record rebound last month.     The 23-nation partnership between the
       WHY:                A week on and after considerable wrangling   Organisation of Petroleum Exporting Countries
       The end of the deal put oil   and hitting a temporary impasse, the group   and other major producers has helped engineer
       price recovery at risk.  agreed a tentative deal, which crucially, included   a doubling in Brent prices since April. The oil
                         holdout member Iraq. Saudi Arabia and Russia   price surge has revived the fortunes of major
       WHAT NEXT:        applied pressure on Iraq to get it to agree to make   energy companies such as ExxonMobil and
       The new quotas will stay   its share of cuts and to compensate for failing to   Royal Dutch Shell, and reduced the fiscal hole
       in place until July 31.  comply in the past.           in the budgets of oil-rich nations.

       Week 23   11•June•2020                   www. NEWSBASE .com                                              P5
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