Page 4 - DMEA Week 35
P. 4

DMEA                                          COMMENTARY                                               DMEA

       Iraqi oil minister orders ramp-up

       at Baiji oil refinery

       Iraq has announced ambitious plans for its refining sector in recent years and has a

       strong incentive to expand capacity, but implementation has proved difficult

        IRAQ             IRAQI Oil Minister Ihsan Abdul Jabbar Ismail   “The 170,000 bpd Northern Plant unit
                         last week ordered the processing capacity of  requires significantly more repair work, though
       WHAT:             the Sumood oil refinery in Baiji to be raised to  the government has optimistically set a comple-
       Iraq’s oil ministry has   280,000 barrels per day (bpd).  tion date of 2023,” Simm said.
       ordered the capacity   In a statement, Ismail said throughput was
       of the Sumood refinery   currently at 75,000 bpd but was expected to  Ambitious plans
       to be raised to 140,000   reach 140,000 bpd over the coming few months.  After years of conflict and economic difficul-
       bpd within months, and   The 280,000 bpd level should be achieved “as  ties, Iraq’s only fully functional refinery is the
       eventually 280,000 bpd.  soon as possible,” he said, without providing a  210,000 bpd Shuaiba plant near Basra. Shuaiba
                         timeframe for getting to this goal.  is undergoing expansion work to raise its capac-
       WHY:                Sumood was once Iraq’s second-largest refin-  ity to 280,000 bpd, and Japan’s JGC was hired last
       The refinery in Baiji was   ery, operating at a rate of 310,000 bpd.  month to build fluid catalytic cracking, vacuum
       significantly damaged   “But having been severely damaged during  distillation and diesel desulphurisation units at
       during the ISIS invasion   the ISIS invasion and occupation, and again  the site, for $3.75bn.
       and occupation and when   when it was retaken by Iraqi forces, the unit’s   While Shuaiba meets fuel needs in Iraq’s
       it was retaken by Iraqi   throughput capacity has fallen to just 75,000  south, the 140,000 bpd Daura refinery supplies
       forces.           bpd,” Ian Simm, principal advisor at consultancy  the growing market in Baghdad. The Sumood
                         IGM Energy, told NewsBase.           refinery’s restoration will help take some of the
       WHAT NEXT:          Production currently comes mainly from  burden off Daura.
       Iraq has long struggled   the 70,000 bpd Salahuddin-2 unit, but the min-  Iraq is also building the new Karbala refin-
       to advance refining   istry’s talk of raising capacity to 140,000 bpd  ery south-west of Baghdad, which will handle
       projects, amid conflict   suggests the restart of the Salahuddin-1 unit,  up to 200,000 bpd of oil. That project was first
       and economic and   where hydrogen and gasoline facilities have been  proposed back in 2007. The oil ministry pre-
       financing difficulties.  reconstructed, according to Simm.  dicted last year that the plant would be ready in

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