Page 13 - MEOG Week 30 2021
P. 13

MEOG                                        NEWS IN BRIEF                                             MEOG

       agency on Thursday as saying that the vessel,   is ultimately responsible for the fate of the   next two years.
       named Dia had started to sink after years   tanker. Last year, a Houthi official announced   Proserv will deliver the WHCPs in three
       of being abandoned at the port. Authorities   that a rescue team had been dispatched to the   lots, with the first due towards the end of Q3
       reportedly tried to tow it using a tugboat   Safer to carry out maintenance work.  2021, with the second scheduled for Q4 and
       before it eventually sank, partly due to a lack   The UN-recognised government-in-exile   the final tranche set to arrive in March 2022.
       of specialised equipment.           has blamed the Houthi authorities for any   The firm will make use of its well-
         One unnamed source at the port authority   leaks from the tanker because it’s moored in   developed footprint in the Arabian Gulf to
       disclosed that the oil slick had spread along   territory under their control.   deliver this order, with the WHCPs being
       the coast for some 20 kilometres.      However, Sanaa has insisted that it is the   manufactured at Proserv’s dedicated site in
         One member of the environmental   coalition which should be held accountable as   Jebel Ali, Dubai. The value of the contract has
       rescue committee in Aden, Ahmed Fahim,   it controls the waters near the vessel and has   not been disclosed.
       explained that no one had taken “care of the   also prevented the Houthis from selling the oil   Proserv’s Vice President, Operations,
       maintenance of the tanker, so it sank and   which is still on board.     Geert Kooi commented: “This contract award
       caused a disaster on the coast.” Adding that   MEMO                      has been achieved through the excellent
       dead fish had “washed up on shore.”                                      reliability and quality of our products and
         However, according to the Sanaa-based                                  our fabrication processes. We have provided
       Yemen Press Agency, the Minister of   SERVICES                           support on the Majnoon field for eight
       Fisheries in the Houthi-aligned government,                              years now, delivering high levels of service
       Mohammed Al-Zubayri, accused the    Proserv lands                        expertise, and building both relationships and
       Saudi-backed international government and                                trust in the meantime.”
       the UAE-supported Southern Transitional   manufacturing order for          News of Proserv’s deal with BOC at
       Council, who control much of the port city of                            the Majnoon asset coincides with another
       being responsible for the oil spill.  Majnoon                            significant gain for its topside controls
         “The ships of the aggressive Saudi-UAE                                 business, with a sizeable order from
       coalition allocate oils and waste near the   Aberdeen based global controls technology   Pakistan for its WHCPs, which will also be
       Yemeni coasts, with the systematic aim of   company Proserv Controls has secured a   manufactured in the UAE.
       disrupting the ports and affecting the marine   significant contract to manufacture and   Davis Larssen, CEO, Proserv Controls,
       environment,” Al-Zubayri said, warning that   deliver 22 wellhead control panels (WHCP)   added: “Across the entire company, we have
       the oil spill would affect fish, seagrass, and   to the Basra Oil Co. (BOC) for use on the   enjoyed a very encouraging first half to
       coral reefs.                        Majnoon oil field in southern Iraq.  2021, with some major wins both subsea and
         “We have approximately 290 fishermen   The deal has been arranged through KBR,   topside. We have not only achieved success in
       who are missing due to the systematic   the Houston based engineering, procurement   our traditionally strong markets, such as the
       targeting of fishermen by Saudi-UAE   and construction management (EPCM)   Gulf of Mexico, but also in south-east Asia
       aggressors,” he added.              company, which is the EPCM lead on BOC’s   and right across the Middle East.
         The sinking of Dia has also reignited pre-  plans to significantly ramp up production   “This valuable contract from BOC in Iraq
       existing environmental and humanitarian   capabilities at the field.     demonstrates the full scope of our abilities
       concerns over the abandoned oil tanker, the   The 22 WHCPs each has the capability   across the Middle East and North Africa
       45-year-old FSO Safer vessel which has been   of controlling up to four wells and they have   region. We have the bandwidth to deliver
       anchored near the strategic western Red Sea   been earmarked for use on 70 new wells   expert service support, as we have done
       port of Al-Hudaydah, which has been under   which are currently in the development phase.   previously on Majnoon, but also the know-
       blockade by the Saudi-coalition since March   At present, Majnoon has a capacity of   how and infrastructure to manufacture high-
       2015.                               just over 200,000 barrels per day (bpd) of   quality topside controls equipment at scale.”
         Both the de facto government in Sanaa   production, but BOC’s strategy is to more   PROSERV
       and Riyadh have traded accusations as to who   than double this to above 400,000 bpd in the

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