Page 12 - MEOG Week 48 2022
P. 12

MEOG                                         NEWS IN BRIEF                                             MEOG

       approaches to the area complementing   Aramco, which has raised billions from   a day ahead of the bloc’s much anticipated
       analyses of current challenges with new ideas   deals linked to its pipeline infrastructure, is   meeting, with its allies to review output policy
       and suggestions and to draft a new ‘positive   also planning an IPO of its energy-trading   in the face of EU sanctions on Russian crude
       agenda’, addressing shared challenges at both   business.                and the G7’s price cap.
       the regional and the international level.  The kingdom’s privatisation programme   ‘Member states of the organization are
       KUNA                                is a cornerstone of its Vision 2030 economic   committed to production rates and to the
                                           agenda to wean the economy off oil, build new  percentages and quantities of cuts scheduled
                                           industries and create jobs.          until the end of 2023,’ the minister said in
       COMPANIES                           REUTERS                              a statement after OPEC’s 13 members met
                                                                                virtually on mostly administrative matters.
       Luberef expects to raise up         OIL                                  10 partners led by Russia, will convene online
                                                                                  The full OPEC+ alliance, which includes
       to $1.32bln from IPO                                                     Dec. 4 at 1 pm Vienna time (1200 GMT).
                                                                                  Delegates had signaled that a rollover
       Saudi oil giant Aramco’s base oil subsidiary   Iran, Iraq form joint oil   of the quotas is the likeliest outcome, given
       Luberef expects to raise up to 4.95 billion   working group              the uncertainty over the impact of the EU
       riyals ($1.32 billion) from its initial public                           embargo on seaborne Russian crude imports
       offering, it said, if it prices at the top of a range   The oil ministries of the Islamic Republic of   that goes into force Dec. 5. The G7’s price
       announced on Sunday.                Iran and Iraq announced their agreement to   cap, which would deny western insurance
         Luberef will sell nearly 30% of the   establish a joint oil working group.  to tankers delivering Russian oil sold above
       company’s issued share capital, or 50.045   Following several meetings between the   $60/b, is also scheduled to be implemented in
       million shares, at between 91 and 99 riyals   representative of the oil minister of the Islamic  the coming days.
       each, the company said in a statement.   Republic of Iran and Iraqi oil officials, the   But some delegates have also said a slight
         State-led IPO programmes in Saudi Arabia,  two sides agreed to establish a joint working   output cut could be possible.
       Abu Dhabi and Dubai have helped equity   group, Shana reported.            On the other hand, one told S&P Global
       capital markets in the oil-rich Gulf, in sharp   The working group, which was established   Commodity Insights that a production
       contrast to the United States and Europe,   as a parent working group with the approach   increase might be considered to offset the
       where global banks have been trimming   of increasing discussion and exchange of   Russian sanctions, though other delegates
       headcount in a dealmaking drought.  views about joint cases in the field of energy   denied the possibility.
         Gulf issuers have raised about $16 billion   in two neighbouring countries, benefits from   The current OPEC+ quotas were set
       through such listings this year, accounting for   the help of several specialized working groups,  at the alliance’s last meeting Oct. 5, which
       about half of total IPO proceeds from Europe,   including in the field of joint fields, education,   called for a 2 million b/d cut from September
       the Middle East and Africa, Refinitiv data   etc.                        levels through the end of 2023, to head off
       shows.                                 So far, numerous meetings have been   an anticipated fall in demand due to China’s
         A minimum of 75% of the Luberef shares   held between the Iranian and Iraqi members   aggressive coronavirus lockdown policies and
       being sold will be offered to institutional   of this working group, and some common   signs of potential recessions in key economies.
       investors, with bookbuilding getting   issues, including the joint oil fields of the two   US officials, who had reacted angrily to the
       underway on Sunday and running until   countries, have been discussed and exchanged   October decision, are not expected to object
       Friday.                             in these meetings.                   to a rollover of quotas, sources said. Platts, a
         The final share price will be announced   MEHR                         part of S&P Global Insights, assessed Dated
       next Sunday, with subscriptions for individual                           Brent at $86.95/b on Dec. 2, down from a
       investors running from Dec. 14 to Dec. 18. A   Iraq oil minister says OPEC   three-month peak of $101.72/b on Nov. 7.
       date has not yet been set for shares to begin                              ‘OPEC+ is not scheduled to meet again
       trading on Riyadh’s Tadawul exchange.  committed to production           until June, but could reconvene as soon
         Aramco owns 70% of Luberef and Saudi                                   as January to assess the impact of Russia
       investment bank Jadwa Investment the   quotas                            sanctions and other market uncertainties,’ said
       remaining 30%.                                                           Paul Sheldon, chief geopolitical adviser for
         Saudi Aramco’s record listing in late 2019,   OPEC will maintain its production quotas,   S&P Global Commodity Insights.
       later boosted to total $29.4 billion in proceeds,   as planned, through the end of 2023, Iraq oil   As for key Russian crude Urals FOB
       was the world’s largest IPO.        minister Hayan Abdul-Ghani said Dec. 3,   Primorsk, Platts assessed the grade at $53.47/b

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