Page 13 - AfrElec Week 01 2023
P. 13

AfrElec                                       RENEWABLES                                             AfrElec

       Voltalia starts construction at

       148MW solar power plant in Limpopo

                         VOLTALIA starts first construction works at   The French company will work to source
        SOUTH AFRICA     148MW solar power plant in Limpopo   goods and services locally in support of South
                           Under the 20-year contract with RBM, South  Africa’s growing renewable energy sector value
                         Africa’s largest mineral sands producer and a  chain. According to Voltalia, local labour will be
                         unit of Anglo-Australian mining giant Rio Tinto,  employed both for the construction and for the
                         Voltalia will supply approximately 300 GWh of  operational monitoring of the plant.
                         renewable energy each year to RBM’s production   “We are very pleased to be able to launch the
                         facilities in KwaZulu-Natal (KZN).   construction of our largest project in Africa, just
                           First construction works for the Bolobedu  two months after signing the CPPA with RBM
                         solar power plant include detailed engineering,  and thus to support it in the decarbonisation of
                         the purchase of various equipment, site clearing,  its sites. Our commitment to help our custom-
                         and detailed geotechnical studies, Voltalia said in  ers overcome the current energy crisis has never
                         a press release. Bolobedu will be the largest South  been stronger” says Voltalia’s CEO Sebastien
                         African renewable power plant dedicated to the  Clerc.
                         energy needs of a corporate client.    Voltalia produces and sells electricity gener-
                           The plant will be completed in 2024, and its  ated from wind, solar, hydraulic, biomass and
                         production will represent a volume equivalent  storage facilities that it owns and operates. The
                         to the annual electricity consumption of 425,000  Group is already operating on its own behalf or
                         inhabitants, avoiding more than 237,000 tonnes  on behalf of third-party customers in African
                         of CO2 emissions, which is equivalent to remov-  countries like Zimbabwe, Burundi, Tanzania
                         ing approximately 50,000 cars from the road,  and Kenya.™
                         Voltalia says.
      Uganda receives $25mn grant

      for rural solar mini grids

        UGANDA           UGANDA’S government has received a grant  creation of more business ventures.
                         from the German government and European   “Moreover, Get Access will also create a
                         Union to support the development of clean  market for private sector driven and financed
                         renewable energy in rural areas through solar  mini-grid electrification as a viable and ready
                         energy, The Observer reports.       alternative to publicly-financed grid electrifi-
                           The project, which will add 5MW to 6MW  cation in remote locations as well as improve
                         of generation capacity to the country aims to  clean energy access in rural areas of Uganda and
                         provide first time access to modern, afforda-  support Uganda in the green transition,” she is
                         ble and clean electricity to more than 110,000  quoted as saying.
                         people, 800 public institutions and at least 700   Solar energy in Uganda has the highest adop-
                         businesses in rural areas through solar-powered  tion rate among all renewable energy options
                         mini grids.                         with average solar radiation is 5.1 kWh/m2/day,
                           Out of €35mn (UGX136.2bn), the total cost  according to the German development agency
                         of the project, the German Federal Ministry for  GIZ.
                         Economic Cooperation (BMZ) will contribute   The current solar data shows that solar energy
                         €15m while the European Union is expected to  is high throughout the year with a variation
                         contribute €10m, with the remainder to be cov-  (minimum month / maximum month) of only
                         ered by the government of Uganda and private  about 20 % maximum.
                         investors.                            At the signing ceremony, it was revealed
                           Speaking during the signing of the agreement,  that the Uganda government is finalizing the
                         the head of cooperation for the EU delegation to  preparatory activities for the Electricity Access
                         Uganda, Caroline Adriaensen, said that the pro-  Scale Up project, which targets to achieve up to
                         ject is aimed to contribute to national socio-eco-  1,073,500 connections with the approval of cab-
                         nomic development by stimulating economic  inet and parliament already obtained.™
                         activities in the cluster areas by promoting the

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