Page 19 - MEOG Week 34
P. 19

MEOG                                        NEWS IN BRIEF                                             MEOG

         However, the UAE’s government long   August and September will amount to 1.25   GAS
       has considered Iran its top regional threat   million bpd for each month.
       and recent tensions between Tehran and   “The reduction could be adjusted when   Energean progresses Karish
       Washington have seen a series of incidents   the six secondary sources publish their
       near it.                            production figures,” the joint statement said,   development with FPSO
         Deployed Patriot missile batteries visible   referring to oil industry data providers such as
       from one major Dubai highway remain   the International Energy Agency.   work
       pointed north towards Iran.            The two ministers stressed their full
         Abu Dhabi’s Crown Prince Sheikh   commitment to an OPEC+ deal curbing oil   Installation of mooring lines for the Energean
       Mohammed bin Zayed Al Nahyan, who   production.                          Power floating production, storage, and
       serves as the UAE’s day-to-day ruler, long has   Abdul Jabbar confirmed Iraq’s firm   offloading vessel at the 267 MMboe 2P Karish
       warned Israel may strike first to destroy Iran’s   commitment to the OPEC+ agreement,   field offshore Israel is in progress following the
       nuclear programme if it is not contained. That   adding that Iraq would reach 100%   installation of suction anchors, Energean PLC
       would start a regional war that would see   conformity by the beginning of August.  said Aug. 24. The project remains on track to
       Tehran target the Emirates, he has repeatedly   The two ministers discussed in a phone   deliver first gas in second-half 2021.
       told US officials.                  call the latest developments in the oil markets,   In less than 3 weeks, 13 piles weighing 176
         “This is the Middle East and we will do   continued recovery in global demand and   tons each of 7.5 m diameter, 19 m height, and
       what we need to do,” Sheikh Mohammed   progress made towards implementing the   one pile weighing 233 tons of 9 m diameter, 17
       was quoted as saying in a February 2009 US   OPEC+ agreement.            m height, have been installed on the seabed in
       diplomatic cable published by WikiLeaks.   The Organization of the Petroleum   water depths of 1,695-1,763 m.
       “When the Iranians fire their missiles we will   Exporting Countries and allies, known   The piles were transported and installed by
       go after them and kill them.        as OPEC+, began a record supply cut in   the Fairprayer heavy lift construction vessel,
         Thursday’s announcement by Tehran of   May to bolster oil prices hammered by the   owned by Jumbo Offshore and subcontracted
       the incident comes a day after Trump said   coronavirus crisis.          by Karish EPC contractor, TechnipFMC.
       the United States will activate a controversial   OPEC and allies led by Russia, known as   The FPSO, to be installed 90 km offshore,
       mechanism aimed at reimposing UN    OPEC+, agreed to cut output by 9.7 million   will be the first FPSO to operate in the Eastern
       sanctions on Iran.                  bpd, or around 10% of global output, from   Mediterranean and will be used to develop
       BLOOMBERG                           May 1, and to taper off the cuts to 7.7 million   Energean’s Israeli fields. It will have a gas
                                           bpd from August.                     treatment capacity of 800 MMscfd and liquids
       Iraq pledges to deepen              bpd of its share of the cuts, equal to 94%   storage capacity of 800,000 bbl.
                                              In July, OPEC delivered 5.743 million
                                                                                  In June, the company completed
       oil output cuts in August,          compliance, a Reuters survey found.  installation of the sales gas export pipeline and
                                                                                main deepwater production systems in the
                                              Iraq agreed to cut output by 1.06 million
       September                           bpd under the deal.                  Karish and Tanin development project
                                              The Saudi and Iraqi energy ministers said
       Iraq said on Friday it would cut its oil   efforts made by OPEC+ member states would
       production by another 400,000 barrels per day   enhance the stability of global oil markets,   Iran launches new IGAT
       in both August and September to compensate   accelerate its balancing and send positive
       for its overproduction in the past three   signals to the markets, the statement said.  lines
       months.                                OPEC oil output rose by more than 1
         Iraq oil minister Ihsan Abdul Jabbar said   million bpd in July as Saudi Arabia and other   Three giant oil, gas and petrochemical
       in a joint statement with his Saudi counterpart   Gulf members ended their voluntary extra   projects will be inaugurated on Monday in the
       Prince Abdulaziz bin Salman that Iraq’s output  curbs on top of the OPEC-led deal, and   presence of Iranian President Hassan Rouhani
       cut was in addition to the 850,000 bpd it had   other members made limited progress on   through video conference.
       committed to cut in August and September   compliance.                     After the United States failed to activate
       under an OPEC+ supply pact.         REUTERS                              trigger mechanism with the opposition of 13
         The total reduction to Iraq’s production in                            members of the UN Security Council, now,

       Week 34   26•August•2020                 www. NEWSBASE .com                                             P19
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