Page 16 - LatAmOil Week 15 2022
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Current consumption within the interior market
of Colombia is approximately 600 mcf per day,
almost all of which is supplied from Ecopetrol’s
mature declining gas fields. The Corporation
plans to commence drilling of the Pola-1 well in
the third quarter of 2022 with results expected
prior to year-end 2022.”
Canacol Energy, April 11 2022
done by General Joaquim Silva e Luna, for lead- – avoiding up to 5mn tonnes of CO₂ annually.
Petrobras approves ership, dedication, and contribution at the head The engineering package will include up to 10
of the company’s Presidency and as a member GW of installed wind capacity, coupled with
election of CEO of the Board of Directors. His management up to 8 GW of electrolysis capacity, a desalina-
was marked by the valorisation of Petrobras’ tion plant, an ammonia (NH3) plant, power
Petrobras, following up on the release disclosed workforce, with emphasis on the formation of transmission and backup, and port facilities to
on April 12, 2022, informs that its Board of a technical Executive Board composed mostly transport the green ammonia to national and
Directors, in a meeting held today, elected José of the company’s staff. During Joaquim Silva e international markets.
Mauro Ferreira Coelho to the position of CEO Luna’s administration, Petrobras consolidated In the frame of the project, Total Eren has
of the company, for a one-year term. its financial position, becoming a strong, healthy signed in November 2021 a collaboration agree-
Below is an extract of the new executive’s company so it could play its social role of invest- ment with the University of Magallanes (the
resume. ing, generating jobs, paying taxes, returning UMAG), a renowned public institution with
José Mauro Ferreira Coelho has a degree in dividends to shareholders, including the Union, great experience in the fields of Engineering,
Industrial Chemistry from Faculdades Reuni- and contributing to the country’s development. Environmental and Social Studies.
das Professor Nuno Lisboa, a specialisation in Its management was also guided by the con- Wood’s studies will provide ground for
Materials Science from the National Institute of solidation of its governance and compliance Total Eren and the UMAG to deliver precise
Technology (INT), a master’s degree in Materials mechanisms. environmental impact assessments and risk
Engineering from the Military Institute of Engi- Petrobras, April 14 2022 analysis surrounding the H2 Magallanes Pro-
neering (IME) and a doctorate in Energy Plan- ject, in accordance with the high environmen-
ning from the Energy Planning Programme of tal and social standards defined by the Chilean
the Federal University of Rio de Janeiro (UFRJ). PROJECTS & COMPANIES authorities.
After serving as an Artillery Officer in the Bra- Thomas Grell, President of Renewable Energy
zilian Army from 1983 to 1991, he joined the Argos Resources & Power at Wood, said: “We are very pleased to
National Institute of Technology (INT) where he have been selected by such a renowned renewa-
remained until 1992. Between 1993 and 1995, he announces PL001 ble energy player like Total Eren to work on the
worked as a researcher in Materials Engineering H2 Magallanes Project. This highly pioneering
at the Military Institute of Engineering (IME). licence extension and innovative project represents the significant
Between 1995 and 1996, he participated in the investment needed to realise not only the future
Ibero-American Programme of Science and AIM-listed Argos Resources, the Falkland of green hydrogen production but the potential
Technology for Development (CYTED). After Islands based exploration company focused on of green ammonia, which is vital for ensuring
that, he worked until 2007 as a professor of the North Falkland Basin, has announced that sustainable food production, and an alterna-
undergraduate and graduate courses in several the Falkland Islands Government has extended tive clean fuel source in accelerating the energy
public and private universities in subjects related the second term of the Company’s PL001 Licence transition.
to the oil and natural gas sector, among others. In from May 1, 2022, to December 31, 2022, with “This contract signals our continued growth
2007, he joined the Energy Research Company no additional work commitments. in the region and our determination to realise
(EPE), where he remained until 2020, having Argos Resources, April 11 2022 the bold ambitions shared by both our client and
assumed the positions of Energy Research Ana- Chile. Our ability to provide integrated energy
lyst, Coordinator of the Oil Refining Sector of Wood to engineer Total solutions and optimise the design of such pro-
the Superintendence of Oil Products and Biofu- jects from inception demonstrates clearly we are
els, Director’s advisor of the Board of Oil, Gas Eren’s large-scale green a true energy transition partner as we strive to
and Biofuels Studies, Deputy Superintendent overcome the challenges our clients, sectors and
of Natural Gas and Biofuels, Deputy Superin- hydrogen project in Chile communities face.”
tendent of Oil, and finally, Director of Oil, Gas With some of the best solar and wind
and Biofuels Studies. Between 2020 and 2021 Wood will provide conceptual engineering for resources in the world, Chile features among the
he served as Secretary of Petroleum, Natural Total Eren’s H2 Magallanes Project, a large- most promising countries to develop competi-
Gas and Biofuels at the Ministry of Mines and scale green hydrogen production facility, to be tive green hydrogen.
Energy (MME). Since 2020 he has served as located in the commune of San Gregorio, in the The project ties in with Chile’s ambition to
Chairman of the Board of Directors of Empresa Magallanes region, Southern Chile. feature among global leaders in the production
Brasileira de Administração de Petróleo e Gás Wood’s scope covers the development of a of green hydrogen via electrolysis, with a target
Natural SA (PPSA). complete off-grid integrated energy complex of 25 GW by 2030.
The company appreciates the important work to produce ammonia from green hydrogen Wood, April 14 2022
P16 www. NEWSBASE .com Week 15 14•April•2022