Page 8 - NorthAmOil Week 30 2022
P. 8

NorthAmOil                             PIPELINES & TRANSPORT                                      NorthAmOil

       Cheniere signs LNG supply

       deal with Thailand’s PTT

        UNITED STATES    US LNG producer Cheniere Energy announced  final investment decision (FID) on the Stage
                         this week that it had struck a deal to supply the  3 expansion of the facility last month, and has
                         super-chilled fuel to a unit of Thailand’s PTT.  recently started signing SPAs that are conditional
                           Under the sale and purchase agreement  at least in part on it expanding capacity at Corpus
                         (SPA), Cheniere’s Corpus Christi Liquefaction  Christi further beyond Stage 3.
                         subsidiary has agreed to supply 1mn tonnes per   For PTT, the SPA comes as the company
                         year (tpy) of LNG to PTT Global LNG (PTTGL)  expands its total regasification capacity to 19mn
                         over a 20-year period starting in 2026. The SPA  tpy by the end of 2022.
                         allows for a combination of free-on-board (FOB)   “This is the first direct LNG contract from a
                         and delivered ex-ship (DES) deliveries, which  US LNG producer for PTTGL, and this agree-
                         Cheniere said represented a further evolution in  ment not only reflects the critical need for long-
                         its commercial offerings, customised to meet the  term, reliable LNG supply across the globe, but
                         specific needs of different customers.  also the important role LNG has to play in pow-
                           The purchase price of the LNG sold under the  ering growing economies for decades to come,”
                         deal will be indexed to the US Henry Hub bench-  stated Cheniere’s president and CEO, Jack Fusco.
                         mark, plus a fixed liquefaction fee.   The deal is the latest in a series that Cheniere
                            While the LNG will come from Cheniere’s  has struck with buyers in Asia recently. Only last
                         Corpus Christi terminal in Texas, the company  week, the company announced a deal to supply
                         did not specify which phase of the facility would  1.8mn tpy to PetroChina International starting
                         be used to produce the fuel. Cheniere took a  in 2026, until 2050.™

       P8                                       www. NEWSBASE .com                           Week 30   31•July•2022
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