Page 13 - NorthAmOil Week 27 2022
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NorthAmOil                                  NEWS IN BRIEF                                        NorthAmOil

       INVESTMENT                          to expand even further through potential acqui-  Developed PV-10 as of 8/1/22 with reserves of
                                           sitions or enhance stockholder returns through  approximately 28.9mn boe; Estimated $320-
       Ring Energy announces               other potential return of capital opportunities.”  340mn of next 12 months Adjusted EBITDAX
                                                                                from Proved Developed Producing based on
                                           Ring Energy, July 05 2022
       agreement to acquire                Earthstone Energy                    8/1/22 effective date; Low-cost, high-margin
                                                                                producing assets generating significant Free
       Stronghold’s Permian                announces northern                   Cash Flow; Approximately 7,900 net acres (65%
                                                                                operated, 78% WI, 93% HBP) in the core of the
       basin assets                                                             Delaware Basin in Lea and Eddy Counties, New
                                                                                Mexico; High-return, de-risked drilling inven-
       Ring Energy has entered into an agreement to   Delaware Basin asset      tory with 114 gross/86 net locations comprised
       acquire the assets of privately-held Stronghold   acquisition for $627mn  of 61 gross/46 net operated high-graded loca-
       Energy II Operating and Stronghold Energy II                             tions focused on 2nd and 3rd Bone Spring and
       Royalties. Stronghold’s operations are located  Earthstone Energy has entered into an agree-  Wolfcamp A/XY formations with an additional
       primarily in Crane County, Texas and focused  ment to acquire the New Mexico assets of Titus  53 gross/40 net operated locations from second-
       on the development of approximately 37,000  Oil & Gas Production and Titus Oil & Gas  ary targets; Titus is currently utilising three rigs
       net acres in the Permian Basin’s Central Basin  Production II and their affiliates located in the  to drill six wells (93% working interest) in Lea
       Platform (CBP). Stronghold is majority owned  northern Delaware Basin. Titus is privately held  County, with completions expected late in the
       by Warburg Pincus, a leading growth investor.  with sponsorship by investment funds managed  third quarter of 2022.
         Consideration for the Transaction, subject  by NGP Energy Capital Management.  Impact on Earthstone: Expected to increase
       to customary closing adjustments, consists of:   The aggregate purchase price of the Titus  net production by 18,000-23,000 boepd (65%
       $200.0mn in cash at closing; $15.0mn deferred  Acquisition is approximately $627mn consist-  oil) in the fourth quarter of 2022; Earthstone
       cash payment due six months after closing;  ing of $575mn in cash and approximately 3.9mn  intends to maintain two rigs in the Delaware
       $20.0mn of existing Stronghold hedge liability;  shares of Earthstone’s Class A common stock  Basin and two rigs in the Midland Basin with an
       and $230.0mn in Ring equity based on a 20-day  valued at $52mn based on a closing share price  additional rig being considered for the Delaware
       volume weighted average price (‘VWAP’) of  of $13.51 on June 24, 2022, both subject to cus-  Basin after closing; Expected increase in capital
       $3.60 per common share as of June 30, 2022,  tomary closing adjustments. The effective date of  expenditures in the fourth quarter of 2022 of
       all of which will be issued to the owners of  the Titus Acquisition will be August 1, 2022, with  $25-50mn;
       Stronghold.                         closing anticipated in the third quarter of 2022.   Increases Earthstone’s Delaware Basin acre-
         Paul D. McKinney, Chairman of the Board  The cash portion of the consideration is expected  age position to about 44,000 net acres and its
       and CEO, commented: “We are excited to  to be funded with cash on hand and borrowings  broader Permian Basin acreage position to
       announce the agreement to acquire Strong-  under the Company’s senior secured revolving  about 256,000 net acres; Expected impact on
       hold’s conventional asset base, which we expect  credit facility. In conjunction with the Titus  Earthstone’s guidance for the remainder of the
       will further diversify our commodity mix and  Acquisition, Earthstone has obtained $400mn  year dependent upon timing of closing and will
       provide increased optionality on multiple fronts  of incremental commitments from existing  be provided after closing; Maintains conserv-
       upon closing. The Transaction truly comple-  lenders, increasing elected commitments under  ative balance sheet metrics with low leverage;
       ments our existing footprint of conventional-fo-  the Credit Facility from the current $800mn to  Forecasted increase of 0.1x in Debt/Last Quarter
       cused Central Basin Platform and Northwest  $1.2bn upon closing. Earthstone’s current bor-  Annualised (LQA) Adjusted EBITDAX at year-
       Shelf asset positions in the Permian Basin. We  rowing base is $1.4bn and is expected to increase  end 2022 allows for maintenance of targeted
       intend to leverage our extensive expertise in  with the Titus Acquisition.  sub-1.0x Debt/LQA EBITDAX; Increase in share
       applying the newest unconventional and con-  Titus Asset Highlights: June 2022 net pro-  count of only 3%, driving significant immediate
       ventional technologies to optimally develop  duction has averaged about 31,800 boepd (65%  per share accretion; Anticipated total common
       Stronghold’s deep inventory of investment  oil, 83% liquids) from 44 gross / 37 net oper-  share count of about 142.4mn shares upon clos-
       opportunities. We believe the Transaction will  ated wells and is inclusive of about 1,200 boepd  ing and with the expected conversion of the out-
       provide for a material increase in our size and  from non-operated interests; $857mn Proved  standing convertible preferred stock;
       scale, and more importantly, will be immedi-
       ately accretive across all of the key operational
       and financial metrics for Ring’s existing stock-
       holders. On closing, we expect to nearly double
       our production, reserves and forecasted free
       cash flow with assets that we know well. We also
       expect to capture meaningful synergies from this
         “Once we complete the Transaction, we
       will have materially increased our inventory of
       high rate-of-return drilling, recompletion and
       workover projects, and fully expect to increase
       our activity across our expanded footprint. The
       combination of lower operating costs and a sub-
       stantially expanded inventory of high-margin,
       capital efficient development opportunities is
       expected to increase free cash flow and our abil-
       ity to rapidly pay down debt. This will allow us

       Week 27   07•July•2022                   www. NEWSBASE .com                                             P13
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