Page 6 - NorthAmOil Week 27 2022
P. 6
Coastal GasLink follows a 670-km route from Dawson Creek to Kitimat (Image: TC Energy)
TC Energy says Coastal GasLink
pipeline is more than 64% complete
CALGARY-BASED TC Energy has reported pipeline along a 670-km route through British
that work on the Coastal GasLink pipeline, Columbia, running from Dawson Creek to
which will deliver natural gas to the LNG Can- Kitimat. The conduit will pump gas from the
ada terminal in British Columbia, was approx- Montney Formation to a gas liquefaction plant
imately 64.2% complete as of the end of June, built by a five-member consortium headed by
compared with 62.4% as of the end of May. Shell (UK). It will be able to handle at least 2.1bn
In its latest monthly update on the project, TC cubic feet (59.47mn cubic metres) per day of gas,
Energy said it was continuing to make progress. though throughput may rise later to as much as
“The summer construction season is quickly 5 bcf (141.6 mcm) per day.
ramping up, with more than 6,000 women and The LNG Canada plant will have a produc-
men expected to work along Coastal GasLink’s tion capacity of 14mn tonnes per year (tpy) of
project route at its peak,” it stated. LNG. When finished, it will export most of its
The company described the summer as its output to Asian markets.
“most important construction season yet” and Both Coastal GasLink and LNG Canada
said it was mobilising construction crews to have generated significant amounts of contro-
various locations along the route of the pipeline. versy within British Columbia. This is partly
One of the sites that has received special atten- because of concerns about the environmental
tion is Cable Crane Hill, where workers have impact of the projects, but it also stems from
started using a cable crane to transport a section the fact that the pipeline will pass through the
of pipe up a particularly steep hill for the first traditional lands of several First Nations com-
time, it noted. munities, including some territories that have
TC Energy is building the Coastal GasLink not been ceded to the Canadian government.
Ovintiv arranges to sell portions
of its Bakken and Uinta portfolios
DENVER-BASED Ovintiv has arranged to sell statement dated July 6, saying that it expected to
portions of its assets in the Bakken and Uinta close the transaction in the third quarter of the
basins to two counterparties for approximately year. It did not identify the two counterparties
$250mn. but said that the effective date of the sale would
The company announced the deal in a be April 1.
P6 www. NEWSBASE .com Week 27 07•July•2022