Page 11 - NorthAmOil Week 36 2022
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NorthAmOil NEWS IN BRIEF NorthAmOil
Products will be used to facilitate integration and a liquefaction provider,” said Dudley progressive actions taken in the maritime
with Imperial’s proposed project that is Poston, Delfin CEO. “We believe our unique industry. We congratulate Pasha on their
expected to enable further significant liquefaction solution provides significant first successful bunkering operation and look
emissions reductions at Air Products’ structural flexibility that allows producers to forward to many more as Pasha continues to
overall complex. Air Products will supply maximise the value of their natural gas, while add the other LNG-powered ships to their
Strathcona with approximately 50% of the providing a much-needed source of additional fleet.”
low-carbon hydrogen output from the 165 supply to the world LNG marketplace.” LNG-powered ships achieve 99.9%
million standard cubic feet per day hydrogen “Our decision to invest in Delfin was reduction in diesel particulate matter and
production complex. the result of a thorough process intended sulfur oxide emissions, 90% less nitrogen
“There is significant demand for low- to create additional pricing diversification oxides and a 25% reduction in carbon dioxide
carbon hydrogen, and as a first-mover, Air for our natural gas portfolio and deliver a compared to ships running on traditional
Products is ready to meet that demand from sustainable and capital efficient return for our fuels.
our Alberta Blue Hydrogen Hub,” said Dr. shareholders,” said Rick Muncrief, Devon’s The LNG that powers the Pasha Hawaii
Samir J. Serhan, chief operating officer at Air president and CEO. “Devon has a strong track container ships is supplied by the Clean
Products. “Canada is rapidly implementing record of finding best-in-class midstream and Energy plant in Boron, CA, the only one of
an energy transition that emphasizes the use downstream solutions for our production and its kind in the state. Because of the increase
of low-carbon hydrogen, and Air Products we are excited to partner with Delfin to meet in demand for LNG by Pasha and others,
is demonstrating that world-scale hydrogen the need for safe, clean and reliable energy.” Clean Energy is in the process of expanding
facilities can be net-zero for carbon emissions. DELFIN MIDSTREAM AND DEVON ENERGY, its Boron LNG plant by adding a third
We continue to set the stage for a competitive, September 05, 2022 production train, which will increase capacity
low-carbon-intensity hydrogen network, by 50% when completed.
which includes increasing liquid hydrogen Clean Energy supplied fuel CLEAN ENERGY FUELS, September 07, 2022
production capacity at our site to 35 metric
tonnes per day, to provide clean hydrogen for for inaugural bunkering of
the growing industrial and mobility markets SERVICES
across Canada.” first maritime LNG-powered
IMPERIAL, September 06, 2022 Transocean announces
Delfin Midstream and Devon ship deployed on US West $181mn in contracts for
Energy enter into LNG export Clean Energy Fuels, the largest provider of the ultra-deepwater drillship
partnership cleanest fuel for the transportation market, Deepwater Asgard
supplied fuel for the first bunkering with
Delfin Midstream and Devon Energy liquified natural gas (LNG) of Pasha Hawaii’s Transocean announced today that the ultra-
today announced that they have entered new container ship MV George III. This was deepwater drillship, Deepwater Asgard,
into a liquefied natural gas (LNG) export the first LNG bunkering of a container ship on received two contract awards in the US Gulf of
partnership that includes an executed heads of the US West Coast. Clean Energy worked with Mexico for a total of approximately 14 months
agreement (HoA) for long-term liquefaction World Fuel Services and West Coast Clean of work, adding $181mn in firm backlog.
capacity and a pre-financial investment Fuels to supply the ship with over 300,000 The first award is a one-well contract with
decision (FID) strategic investment by Devon gallons of the clean fuel. Murphy Oil at $395,000 per day. The contract
in Delfin. Pasha Hawaii’s MV George III, a 774- is expected to commence late this fall after
The HoA provides the framework for foot container ship operating between Long the rig completes its current contract and a
finalising a definitive long-term tolling Beach, CA, Honolulu, HI, and Oakland, CA, planned out-of-service period. The contract
agreement representing 1.0mn tonnes per is the first of three LNG-powered ships that also includes an option for a second well at
annum (mtpa) of liquefaction capacity in the domestic shipping company is putting the same dayrate. The backlog for the firm
Delfin’s first Floating LNG vessel, with the into service. The three ships are expected to contract is approximately $20mn.
ability to add an additional 1.0 mtpa in consume 105mn gallons of LNG fuel over the The second award, a one-year contract with
Delfin’s first or a future floating LNG vessel. In next five years. another operator at $440,000 per day (plus up
addition to providing Devon up to 2.0 mtpa “The air quality around the Ports of to $40,000 per day for additional products and
of total liquefaction capacity on a long-term Long Beach and Los Angeles is some of the services), is expected to commence in the first
basis, the HoA also provides opportunity for worst in the country because of in large part half of 2023. This contract also includes three,
additional future equity investments in Delfin the very dirty marine fuels that have been one-year option periods at mutually agreed
by Devon. Devon’s 2022 guidance will remain traditionally used by container ships,” said dayrates. The firm backlog associated with
unchanged. Andrew J. Littlefair, president and CEO, Clean the contract is estimated to be approximately
“We are delighted to execute this Energy. “The move by Pasha to add ships that $161mn, excluding any revenue associated
agreement with Devon, representing a truly operate on clean-burning LNG is one the with the additional products and services.
strategic partnership between a US producer most forward-thinking and environmentally TRANSOCEAN, September 06, 2022
Week 36 08•September•2022 www. NEWSBASE .com P11