Page 13 - GLNG Week 44 2021
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GLNG                                        NEWS IN BRIEF                                             GLNG

       Tellurian reports third-            EUROPE                               growth. We are looking forward to building
                                                                                a long-term partnership with Gasum who
       quarter 2021 results                Gasum has divested the               will remain a major customer of the Risavika
                                                                                liquefaction plant under a long-term contract.
       Tellurian completed sales from Driftwood   Risavika LNG liquefaction     We will be working closely with Gasum, and
       LNG’s capacity for the first two plants with the                         the Risavika staff to ensure a safe transition of
       signing of threemn tonnes per annum (mtpa)   plant to North Sea          operations,” adds Andy Heppel, CEO North
       in sale and purchase agreements (SPAs) with                              Sea Midstream Partners.
       Shell and raised approximately $116mn in a   Midstream Partners –          The contract between Gasum and North
       public stock offering in the third quarter of                            Sea Midstream Partners was signed on
       2021. Subsequent to the quarter end, Tellurian   continues as a major off-  November 1st, 2021. The transaction is
       transferred its common stock listing from                                expected to be closed by mid November
       the Nasdaq Capital Market to the NYSE   taker for LNG and LBG under      2021. As a part of the transaction, Gasum
       American.                                                                will remain a major off-taker of the LNG and
         Tellurian ended its third quarter of   a long-term contract            LBG produced at Risavika under a long-term
       2021 with approximately $210.8mn of cash                                 contract. The separate bunkering solution,
       and cash equivalents and no borrowing   The energy company Gasum has reached   serving maritime customers, is not included
       obligations. Natural gas sales for the third   an agreement with North Sea Midstream   in the transaction scope.
       quarter generated approximately $15.6mn   Partners on the divestment of the Risavika   Both parties have agreed not to disclose the
       in revenues compared to $7.3mn during the   LNG liquefaction plant while continuing   transaction price.
       same period of 2020.                under a long-term contract as a major   GASUM, November 02, 2021
         Tellurian has a strong balance sheet   offtaker of the LNG and LBG produced. The
       consisting of approximately $483.9mn in   transaction is in line with Gasum’s growth   GTT obtains tank design
       total assets. Tellurian reported a net loss of   strategy and the evolving LNG market.
       approximately $18.7mn, or $0.04 per share   “Gasum have concluded that owning this   order for a new LNG carrier
       (basic and diluted), for the three months   type of upstream LNG liquefaction asset is no
       ended September 30, 2021.           longer in the core of our strategy. However,   from Hudong-Zhonghua
         President and CEO Octávio Simões said:   the long-term tolling contract ensures that
       “Tellurian recently brought production   we will continue to deliver liquefied natural   Shipbuilding (Group)
       online from two newly completed natural gas   gas (LNG) and liquefied biogas (LBG) to
       wells, adding to our financial strength and   our customers from the Risavika plant in the   GTT announces that it has received, in
       integrated model that provides a valuable   future as well. The divestment of Risavika will   October 2021, an order from its partner
       hedge to volatile global prices. By year end   enable us to optimize our capital allocation to   the Chinese shipyard Hudong-Zhonghua
       2021 we plan to produce approximately 70mn   speed up the execution of our growth strategy   Shipbuilding (Group) (HZ) for the tank
       cubic feet equivalent per day (mmcfed). In   and to expand the Nordic gas market,” says   design of a new LNGC on behalf of the leasing
       addition, we have authorised a new drilling   Gasum’s Interim CEO Kai Laitinen.  entity of the Chinese CSSC Group.
       programme and plan to drill 12-14 wells   North Sea Midstream Partners (NSMP) is   As part of this order, GTT will design the
       to produce approximately 220 mmcfed by   a leading independent midstream company   tanks of the vessel which will offer a capacity
       year end 2022. We have turned our focus to   with large scale gas infrastructure assets   of 174 000 m3. The LNGC tanks will be
       financing Driftwood LNG and plan to give   serving the North Sea.        fitted with the GTT NO96 L03+ membrane
       Bechtel notice to proceed with construction in   “This acquisition is a strategic step for   containment system.
       early 2022.”                        NSMP. The Risavika liquefaction plant is   The vessel will be delivered in the first
       TELLURIAN, November 03, 2021        an attractive addition and a geographic   quarter of 2024.
                                           expansion for NSMP which diversifies our   GTT, November 04, 2021
                                           portfolio and extends our platform for

       Week 44   05•November•2021               www. NEWSBASE .com                                             P13
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