Page 4 - GLNG Week 44 2021
P. 4

GLNG                                          COMMENTARY                                               GLNG

       Japan’s oil demand jumps

       amid surging LNG prices

       The country’s power generators are looking to fire up their oil

       generators as they baulk at near-record spot LNG prices

        PERFORMANCE      THE Japanese power sector’s fuel oil demand has   While the country’s LNG demand has eased
                         soared in response to record spot LNG prices,  somewhat in recent years, the country was
       WHAT:             with the country’s largest refiner acknowledging  still the largest importer of it in 2020, purchas-
       Japan’s largest refinery   that it would struggle to meet demand.  ing 74.4mn tonnes of the fuel. The rise in spot
       has warned that it   Eneos president Tsutomu Sugimori, who is  prices to record highs, then, puts the country’s
       may struggle to meet   also the head of the Petroleum Association of  gas users in a precarious position.
       increased fuel oil   Japan (PAJ), said last week that record high spot   “Spot LNG prices have risen considerably and
       demand.           prices for LNG deliveries to Asia had led to a  we have received requests from electric utilities
                         rising number of requests for oil supplies.  that want to use oil as a substitute,” Sugimori
       WHY:                Price agency S&P Global Platts’ Japan-Ko-  told reporters on October 27.
       The power sector is   rea-Marker (JKM), a benchmark for spot LNG   He added: “We are not sure if we can respond
       now competing with   contracts, rose to a record high of $56.33 per  to all requests as our supply chains, includ-
       the bunker industry for   mmBtu on October 6. While the spot price has  ing ships, tanks and staff, for the utilities have
       limited supplies.  retreated somewhat since then, it remains high.  shrunk considerably as demand has been
                           Japanese buyers have, in recent years, be  dropping. But we’ll try to respond as much as
       WHAT NEXT:        reluctant to sign long-term contracts in the face  possible.”
       The surge in oil demand   of a prolonged period of market oversupply.   Sugimori noted that Japanese utilities’ typical
       will be short-lived and   They have preferred spot purchases or short-  reliance on fuel was around 3% of their feed-
       will peter out after the   term contracts owing to the challenges in fore-  stock needs.
       winter.           casting Japanese power demand.        High sulphur fuel oil (HSFO) users have been
                           This position, however, has exposed the coun-  the first to begin looking for supplies in prepa-
                         try’s gas buyers to pricing volatility and is driv-  ration for the winter months, Platts quoted
                         ing many power producers to turn to fuel oil.  unnamed market sources as saying on Novem-
                                                              ber 2.
                         Demand pressures                      Sugimori warned that international oil prices
                         Japan increased its dependence on liquefied nat-  could climb beyond their current range if
                         ural gas (LNG) in the years following the nuclear  OPEC+ failed to boost supply. The international
                         disaster, which took place in March 2011. Fol-  Brent benchmarks settled at $81.99 per barrel
                         lowing the closure of the country’s nuclear reac-  on November 3, while US West Texas Interme-
                         tors, the power sector had little choice but to rely  diate (WTI) closed at $80.86 per barrel.
                         on fossil fuels to pick up the immediate slack.  “We hope OPEC+ will decide to increase

                                                                                                  Japan was still the
                                                                                                  largest importer of
                                                                                                  LNG in 2020.

       P4                                       www. NEWSBASE .com                      Week 44   05•November•2021
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