Page 19 - LatAmOil Week 02 2021
P. 19

LatAmOil                           NEWS IN BRIEF                                                   LatAmOil

       FINANCIAL                           a partner to drill the Osheki prospect in Block  0.77bn and 1.44bn barrels of oil and the 2021
                                           107. The Company’s management team has sig-  work programme is targeting exit production of
       PetroTal announces                  nificant experience in developing and exploring  about 2,500 bpd (2020 exit rate of 500 bpd).
                                                                                  Simon Potter, CEO of BPC, said: “In August
                                           for oil in Northern Peru and is led by a Board of
       contemplated $100mn                 Directors that is focused on safely and cost effec-  2019, BPC embarked on a bold strategy to
                                                                                self-fund the drilling of Perseverance-1 in The
                                           tively developing the Bretaña oilfield.
       bond issue                          PetroTal, January 12 2021            Bahamas, as well as to seek to complement that
                                                                                high-impact exploration activity with produc-
       PetroTal is pleased to announce that it has man-  Bahamas Petroleum Co.   tion and thus cash generative assets. We knew it
       dated Pareto Securities AS to arrange a series                           would require capital to facilitate such a growth
       of fixed income investor virtual meetings com-  provides update on       strategy, and, accordingly, we laid out a clear plan
       mencing January 14, 2021.                                                as to how we would secure that capital incremen-
         Subject to, inter alia, market conditions, a   funding strategy        tally over time.
       new $100mn senior secured three year bond                                  “Now, with drilling in The Bahamas well
       issue may follow. The proceeds of the poten-  Bahamas Petroleum Company (BPC), the Car-  underway, and with a broad programme of val-
       tial Bond Issue will be used to settle in full the  ibbean and Atlantic margin-focused oil and gas  ue-adding work about to kick off in Trinidad
       cumulative oil price difference liability owed to  company, with production, appraisal, develop-  and Tobago and Suriname, we continue to draw
       Petroperu (approximately $16.6mn, as previ-  ment and exploration assets across the region,  on the various elements of the funding package
       ously announced); to finance the ongoing devel-  has provided an update on its funding.  we worked hard to put in place over the past 18
       opment of PetroTal’s flagship Bretaña oilfield in   Highlights: Put option exercised to raise  months. Today’s option exercise, to raise a fur-
       Northern Peru; to provide funds to support the  a further GBP3.75m (through the issue of  ther GBP3.75m, is consistent with that strategy.
       Company’s hedging program; and to finance  187.5mn new ordinary shares at 2p per share),   “Given the range of components to our fund-
       potential synergistic acquisitions. Further details  bringing total funding since August 2019 to  ing, we are today providing shareholders with a
       will be provided as and when appropriate.  $52mn, with current undrawn potential fund-  clear reconciliation of our delivery against the
         Bretaña Update: On January 7, 2021, the  ing sources in-place for up to a further $20mn.  funding strategy we articulated in August 2019.
       Company announced that, coincident with  If remaining potential funding sources are avail-  This represents, in our view, a transparent and
       full commencement of Petroperu’s Northern  able and drawn in full, this would represent  accurate measure by which the Board and man-
       Oil Pipeline (ONP) operations, PetroTal’s pro-  successful completion of BPC’s current fund-  agement should be held accountable.
       duction was approximately 9,500 barrels per  ing strategy, initiated in August 2019, secur-  “We believe that the delivery of our funding
       day (bpd) of oil and was expected to increase as  ing a total of $72mn. This represents adequate  package, and thus the portfolio-wide work pro-
       operations returned to a stabilized level. Since  funding to meet not just the costs of drilling the  gramme it supports, represents a considerable
       January 7, 2021, oil production has increased  Perseverance-1 well (at 100% ownership, oper-  achievement when considered in the context
       to an average of 10,025 bpd, with optimisation  atorship and control), but also the costs of an  of depressed equity markets (particularly in
       continuing.                         extensive 2021 work programme on a suite of  the energy sector), oil price weakness, and the
         Additionally, as PetroTal continues to ensure  production, appraisal and development assets  material cost, timing and operational challenges
       it has export optionality, the Company has now  in three other complementary jurisdictions, as  caused by both Covid-19 and the last-minute –
       signed an agreement for a second pilot ship-  well as all geological and geophysical (G&G)  but ultimately unsuccessful – legal challenge to
       ment through Brazil in February 2021, of up  costs across the business through to mid-2022.  BPC’s drilling operations in The Bahamas.”
       to 220,000 barrels of oil. The increased volume  Perseverance-1 targeting resources of between   Bahamas Petroleum Co., January 12 2021
       of this shipment over the initial pilot export is
       expected to improve overall economics and lead
       towards the establishment of regular exports,
       complementing sales into the ONP and to the
       Iquitos refinery.
         Proceeds from the contemplated Bond Issue
       will allow PetroTal to resume development drill-
       ing at Bretaña in March 2021. In anticipation of
       expected higher oil production, the modular
       processing equipment for expansion of the
       second phase of Central Processing Facilities
       (CPF#2) is complete and is currently en route to
         PetroTal is a publicly‐traded, dual‐quoted oil
       and gas development and production company
       domiciled in Calgary, Alberta, focused on the
       development of oil assets in Peru. PetroTal’s flag-
       ship asset is its 100% working interest in Bretaña
       oilfield in Peru’s Block 95, where oil production
       was initiated in June 2018, and in early 2020
       became the second largest crude oil producer
       in Peru. Additionally, the Company has large
       exploration prospects and is engaged in finding

       Week 02   14•January•2021                www. NEWSBASE .com                                             P19
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