Page 12 - DMEA Week 31 2022
P. 12

DMEA                                        NEWS IN BRIEF                                              DMEA

       REFINING                            financing, and new technologies in cement   million mtpa new production line in Edo
                                           and modular refinery.                Cement to be sited at Obu, Edo state. The
       Iraq’s northern crude               modular refineries in 2021 Edo State is now   $600 million Cement Plant in Okpella, Edo
                                             With two cement factories and two
                                                                                State was opened in 2015 with a capacity of 3
       exports drop amid refining          Nigeria’s new industrial hub. Edo State has   million mtpa resulting in a 3.5 million mtpa
                                           capacity today to reduce the price of cement
                                                                                combined installed capacity at both Edo and
       boost                               and reduce the huge budget for fuel subsidy.  Obu plants.
                                                                                  Asides from the initial costs, over $100
                                             Dangote cement, Okpella, BUA cement
       After three consecutive months within   Okpella, Edo Modular Refinery Ologbo and   million was invested in gas turbines to power
       touching distance of 100,000 bpd, federal Iraqi  Duport Modullar Refinery, Egbokor in Edo   a 50-megawatt plant for 24-hour electricity
       exports through the Kirkuk-Ceyhan pipeline   State have created Edo new industrial hub.   generation as well as the construction of a
       dropped to 75,000 bpd in July.      Edo under Governor Obaseki has produced   30km gas supply pipeline. The world-class
         A source tells MEES that the drop is not   the first energy park and two cement   plant would give a much needed boost to
       due to any mechanical problems with the   companies in Nigeria. The new industrial   Nigeria’s cement industry as well as enhance
       pipeline, but because volumes from North   hub has repositioned Edo State economy   the development of related sectors, including
       Oil Co.’s (NOC) Kirkuk operations are being   to be viable and globally competitive; it has   housing and construction.
       increasingly diverted to refineries to meet   been able to set a pace for future growth and   Duport Midstream Company Limited
       domestic demand. This situation could persist   massive industrialisation. Edo Government   of Lagos announced in late March that its
       through summer, given Iraq’s need for fuel   says the ongoing Modular Refinery project at   upcoming modular refinery in Nigeria’s
       oil for power generation due to its insufficient   Ologbo in Ikpoba-Okha Local Government   Edo State would indeed be ready for
       gas volumes. Diesel consumption in private   Area of the state, will on completion; drive the   commissioning in the fourth quarter of this
       generators also typically increases in the hot   state’s industrial revolution quest and reduce   year. This project is being implemented by
       summer months.                      petrol subsidy in Nigeria.           Duport alongside the Nigerian Content
       MEES                                  Dangote Group is producing Cement in   Development and Monitoring Board
                                           Okpella, Edo State. It is predicted that the new   (NCDMB). NCDMB Executive Secretary
       Edo: Nigeria’s new                  plant will add more millions metric tonnes per  Simbi Kesiyi Wabote recently toured the
                                           annum to the company’s current local cement
                                                                                project site and reportedly confirmed that
       industrial hub                      output of 29.25 million tonnes. Dangote   the project has reached approximately 80%
                                                                                completion. The Duport modular refinery
                                           Cement says that work is underway to
       Edo State is the only state in Nigeria that can   increase its total cement production capacity   is a small part of the country’s long-term
       boast of the establishment of two cement   in Nigeria by 4.5Mt/yr before September   objective for improving its industrialization.
       companies and two modular refineries   2022. The plans consist of new lines at the   Mr. Wabote stated that “When the Federal
       between 2013 and 2022. Dangote cement, Bua   company’s cement plants in Obajana, Kogi   Government enunciated the policy on the
       cement in Okpella, Edo Modular Refinery   state, and Okpella, Edo state, and the restart of   development of modular refineries, the
       Ologbo and Duport Modullar Refinery,   production at its plant at Gboko, Benue state.  NCDMB decided to explore ways through
       Egbokor in Edo State have become the new   In 2009 BUA Group acquired the Cement   which we can build modular refineries to
       industrial hubs of Nigeria.         Company of Northern Nigeria, CCNN    refine products locally.” Duport Midstream
         Edo production centre can boast of many   (SokotoCement) and the Edo Cement   Company Limited is hoping to develop the
       companies which have changed Edo State   Company to boost and increase the metric   first energy park in Nigeria, beginning with
       economy forever. The new Edo economy   tonnes of annual cement production in   this refinery and over the next five years it
       that can create an environment for existing   the country. In 2018, BUA Obu Cement   hopes to add a gas processing plant, a CNG
       firms to grow, become more productive and   completed a 3million mtpa plant resulting in   plant, a refined product terminal and a power
       cheap. Edo State economy can facilitate access   a combined capacity at Okpellaof 6million   plant in Nigeria’s Edo State.
       to a larger consumer base, a greater pool   mtpa. At the second quarters of 2015, BUA   Duport Midstream and other investors
       of qualified workers, additional sources of   signed a contract with FLSmidthfor a 3   to develop critical energy facilities were

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