Page 10 - DMEA Week 31
P. 10

DMEA                                                NRG                                                DMEA

                         The Malaysian company intends to use the rig to  Quarterly losses mount in North America
                         sink one well at the Sloanea section of the block  Second-quarter losses being announced by
                         and will probably begin drilling in the fourth  North American producers have continued to
                         quarter of this year. Equity in Block 52 is split  pile up in recent days. Virtually no company is
                         50:50 between Petronas and ExxonMobil (US),  expected to emerge unscathed from the quar-
                         which is already a major player in neighbouring  ter, which likely saw the worst of the oil and gas
                         Guyana’s offshore zone.              downturn.
                           In other news, the Energía Costa Azul LNG   Notable names joining the growing ranks
                         project is still on hold. California-based Sem-  of those reporting second-quarter losses over
                         pra Energy and its Mexican subsidiary IEnova  the past week have included ConocoPhillips,
                         had hoped to take a final investment decision  the US’ largest independent producer. On an
                         (FID) on the scheme by the end of June but are  adjusted basis, excluding special items, the com-
                         still waiting for Mexico’s government to issue an  pany posted a loss of $1.0bn compared with an
                         export permit. Company executives say they are  adjusted profit of $1.1bn in the same quarter of
                         still optimistic about pushing the project for-  2019.
                         ward soon, even though Mexican government   US-based super-majors ExxonMobil and
                         bureaucracies are operating more slowly because  Chevron also posted rare losses, which reached
                         of the coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic.  $1.1bn and $8.3bn respectively. For ExxonMo-
                                                              bil, this was the second consecutive quarterly
                         If you’d like to read more about the key events shaping   loss after decades of profits. Chevron’s loss,
                         the Latin American oil and gas sector then please click   meanwhile, was its largest in recent history,
                         here for NewsBase’s LatAmOil Monitor.  exacerbated by $5.6bn worth of oil and gas pro-  Oil production
                                                              duction write-downs. Canadian producers were
                         Mideast: Gulf OSPs to drop as output rises  not spared either, with Imperial Oil, ExxonMo-  from OPEC
                         Oil production from OPEC member countries  bil’s subsidiary north of the border, and Husky
                         has increased by 1mn barrels per day (bpd), as  Energy among those reporting second-quarter   member states
                         producers in the Gulf are stepping back from  losses over the past week.
                         their extra voluntary output cuts.     However, some bright spots also emerged,   has increased by
                           As production has increased, there is grow-  as US oil prices continued to hold steady above   1mn bpd
                         ing speculation that Saudi Aramco and ADNOC  $40 per barrel and a number of the companies
                         will cut their official selling prices (OSPs) for  reporting their results also said they were in the
                         crude cargoes to Asia loading in September as  process of restoring output they curtailed during
                         they seek to continue efforts to increase mar-  the second quarter.
                         ket share. Saudi OSPs will set the trend for the   Among these was ConocoPhillips, which
                         month’s prices throughout the Gulf, so much will  said it expected to have most of its curtailed
                         depend on what happens in the next day or two.  output restored by the end of September, hav-
                           As producers turn the pumps back on, Kuwait  ing cut about a third of its production in April
                         Oil Co. (KOC) is preparing a tender for 24 new  and recently started ramping it back up. And in
                         rigs to help achieve the country’s ambitious  Canada, Husky said it had the capacity to ramp
                         crude output capacity targets. The news follows  up production over the course of the current
                         our recent coverage of production ramping up to  quarter.
                         75,000 bpd at the Lower Fars Heavy Oil Project   In other welcome news, the total US rig count
                         and the departure of the first cargoes of crude.  stayed flat in the week up to July 31, having
                           Meanwhile, news emerged this week that  declined for the previous 20 weeks. The loss of
                         Occidental Petroleum was in advanced talks  one active oil rig was offset by the addition of a
                         with Pertamina over the sale of assets in Ghana  gas rig. The rate of rig count declines has slowed
                         and the UAE. The US firm has been considering  in recent weeks, but while market conditions are
                         asset divestments to ease its debt burden follow-  improving, producers may be hesitant to ramp
                         ing the $37bn acquisition of Anadarko last year.  up new drilling too quickly.

                         If you’d like to read more about the key events shaping   If you’d like to read more about the key events shaping
                         the Middle East’s oil and gas sector then please click   the North American oil and gas sector then please click
                         here for NewsBase’s MEOG Monitor.    here for NewsBase’s NorthAmOil Monitor .™

       P10                                      www. NEWSBASE .com                         Week 31   06•August•2020
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