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and Medallion for the joint tari  service under either acreage dedication or volume commitment transportation agreements. MEDALLION MIDLAND GATHERING AND MEDALLION PIPELINE, July 08, 2019
Plains All American
announces open season on
Western Corridor pipeline
An a liate of Plains All American Pipeline today announced a binding open season for long-term commitments for light crude oil transportation service on its Western Corridor pipeline system.  e open season service will originate in northern Montana for delivery to Gulf Coast markets.
Subject to su cient commitments from shippers and receipt of any necessary permits and regulatory approvals, the existing
system capacity will be expanded by up to an additional 70,000 barrels per day, and service on the expanded system is expected to begin in the second quarter of 2021.
By submitting a binding proposal, bidders are o ering to enter into a long-term throughput and de ciency agreement for pipeline capacity.
Prior to participating in the open season, interested parties must execute a con dentiality agreement to govern the receipt of the open season documentation. PLAINS ALL AMERICAN PIPELINE, July 08, 2019
Red Oak Pipeline
announces supplemental
open season
Red Oak Pipeline announced today that it has launched a supplemental open season seeking additional crude oil transportation commitments for service from origins
in Oklahoma and Texas to Gulf Coast
destinations including Corpus Christi, Ingleside, Houston, and Beaumont, Texas.
Red Oak Pipeline is a 50/50 joint venture of Phillips 66 and Plains All American Pipeline. Prior to participating in the supplemental open season, interested parties must execute
a con dentiality agreement to govern the receipt of the open season documentation. RED OAK PIPELINE, July 05, 2019
Air Liquide signs long-term supply agreement with GCGV and will build new air separation unit in Texas
Air Liquide has signed a long-term agreement with Gulf Coast Growth Ventures (GCGV),
a 50/50 joint venture between ExxonMobil and SABIC, to supply oxygen and nitrogen from its industrial gas pipeline network to GCGV’s planned ethane cracker facility located near Corpus Christi, in Texas. To support the new agreement and additional volumes, Air Liquide plans to invest nearly 140 million USD to build a new world-scale Air Separation Unit in Bay City, Texas, and related infrastructure investments.
Air Liquide will supply 2,000 tons per day of oxygen and 900 tons per day of nitrogen to GCGV’s planned 1.8 million tons per
year ethane cracker facility. Air Liquide will also add nearly eight miles of pipeline to connect GCGV to its Gulf Coast Pipeline System, strengthening Air Liquide’s extensive capabilities throughout the Gulf Coast region of the US, and its position in the growing industrial basin of Corpus Christi, where it has been present since the mid-1930’s.
In addition to delivering full requirements for oxygen and nitrogen to GCGV’s new petrochemical plant, the production capacity from the Bay City ASU, and its connection
to Air Liquide’s expansive pipeline network along the Gulf Coast, will enable Air
Liquide to retire older, less e cient assets. By modernising its asset  eet, Air Liquide provides enhanced competitiveness to its customers over the long term and reduces the carbon intensity of its operations, hence contributing to achieving its 2025 Climate Objectives.
With Air Liquide’s ability to provide large volumes of oxygen and nitrogen via its integrated production and supply network, customers can bene t from a safe,  exible and reliable supply to meet their growing demands.
AIR LIQUIDE, July 09, 2019
Total and Tellurian
finalise Driftwood equity
investment and LNG
purchase agreements
Tellurian announced today that it has
entered into de nitive agreements with Total Delaware and Total Gas & Power North America, subsidiaries of Total, for Total
Gas & Power to purchase 1 million tonnes
per annum (mtpa) of lique ed natural gas (LNG) from the Dri wood LNG terminal (Dri wood) and for Total to invest $500mn in Dri wood Holdings.
In addition, Tellurian and Total Gas & Power entered into a de nitive sales and purchase agreement for an additional 1.5mtpa of LNG from Tellurian’s LNG o ake volumes from Dri wood.  e SPA is for the purchase of LNG free on board at a price based on the Platts Japan Korea Marker.  e de nitive agreements are consistent with the terms contemplated by the Heads of Agreement announced on April 3, 2019, and are subject to certain closing conditions, including the  nal investment decision (FID) to construct Dri wood.
TELLURIAN, July 10, 2019
Encana signs agreement
to sell its Arkoma Basin
natural gas assets
Encana today announced that its wholly owned subsidiary, New eld Exploration Mid-Continent, signed an agreement to sell its natural gas assets in Oklahoma’s Arkoma Basin to an undisclosed buyer.
Total cash consideration to Encana under
Week 27 11•July•2019
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