Page 16 - LatAmOil Week 32
P. 16

LatAmOil                                        ARGENTINA                                           LatAmOil

                         Paolo Rocca, the chairman and CEO of Tenaris,   we can support the Russian and CIS oil and gas
                         said last year that co-operation with Russia   industry with a world-class and very competi-
                         would benefit his company.           tive alternative for high quality OCTG products
                           “We are very pleased to form this partnership   and services. As in all our operations around the
                         today with Severstal,” he commented. “By com-  world, we seek to deliver solutions that help to
                         bining our respective strengths and our com-  make customer operations more efficient and
                         mitment to industrial excellence, we believe that   cost-effective.” ™

       Argentina’s CGC proposes bond swap

                         COMPAÑÍA General de Combustibles (CGC)   downgrading CGC in response to the proposed
                         has joined the ranks of Argentinian companies   bond swap. The company’s long-term foreign
                         offering a bond swap. Last week, the independ-  currency (FC) and local currency (LC) issuer
                         ent oil and gas company said it was looking to   default ratings (IDRs) will drop from CCC to C,
                         tender an exchange of $300mn worth of sen-  and the 2021 bond issue’s rating will be down-
                         ior unsecured bonds due to mature in 2021 for   graded from CCC/RR4 to C/RR4, it stated.
                         securities that will be repaid in 2025.  The ratings agency explained the down-
                           CGC, which is the largest producer of nat-  grade by pointing out that CGC’s plan met its
                         ural gas in Argentina’s onshore Austral Basin,   criteria for a distressed debt exchange. “There is
                         intends to offer bondholders the chance to swap   a material reduction of the original terms due
                         their notes up until September 2. It has proposed   to the proposed exit consent solicitation, and
                         carrying out the exchange in two stages, includ-  Fitch believes the exchange is being conducted
                         ing an early consideration period ending on   to avoid a payment default at maturity,” it said.
                         August 19 and a late consideration period end-  “The solicitation proposes stripping
                         ing on September 2.                  non-participating noteholders of their existing
                           During the early consideration period, par-  covenants (i.e., restrictive covenants and certain
                         ticipating investors would be entitled to a 10%   events of default) of the $300mn notes indenture
                         pay-out and the re-financing of 95% of their   ... Fitch views these proposed amendments as a
                         original principal. During the late consideration   material reduction in the terms that dilutes the
                         period, they would be entitled to a 5% pay-out   bonds holders’ original rights,” it added.
                         and the re-financing of 95% of their original   The company will need to secure the approval
                         principal.                           of at least 50% plus one of all bondholders of the
                           The 2025 bonds involved in the exchange   outstanding aggregate principal of the 2021
                         carry a coupon of 9.5%, the same as the 2021   securities issue to move forward with the swap,
                         notes. “The new notes will amortise semi-annu-  the ratings agency said.
                         ally in six payments, with the first five amortisa-  CGC is mostly active in Argentina’s south-
                         tion payments equalling 13.3% of the original   ern Santa Cruz Province. It has operating and
                         amount between September 2022 and Septem-  non-operating stakes in 40 crude oil and natural
                         ber 2024,” Fitch Ratings noted in a press release.   gas fields in Santa Cruz and serves as operator
                         “The final payment of 33.5% will mature in   of the Angostura block in the Neuquen Basin.
                         March 2025.”                         Additionally, it is a non-operating partner in the
                           US-based Fitch went on to say that it was   Aguaragüe block in the Northwestern Basin. ™

                                 CGC and Echo Energy are working together in Argentina’s southern Austral basin (Photo: Echo Energy)

       P16                                      www. NEWSBASE .com                         Week 32   13•August•2020
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