Page 7 - GLNG Week 46 2021
P. 7
South Africa receives first ever LNG shipment
PROJECTS & SOUTH Africa has received its first-ever arrival of the LNG consignment was an inflec-
COMPANIES container of LNG at the Port of Ngqurha in tion point for South Africa’s energy market.
Gqeberha, in the Eastern Cape, from the Neth- “This marks a key moment in our shift
erlands. South Africa’s DNG Energy Group is the from coal-fired and oil-fired power gen-
architect of the $5bn project. eration to cleaner alternatives. Along with
The alternative energy company aims to renewables like wind and solar, the new gen-
establish a pan-African LNG supply network, as eration of gas technology brings low-cost In the past few
an alternative to South Africa’s dependency on power production capabilities to the market
coal. In the past few months South Africa has on a massive scale.” months South
indicated that it is willing to move away from Mbalati said LNG would play a key role in
coal and DNG said LNG represents an alter- helping the country meet its carbon emission Africa has
native that will help cut greenhouse gas (GHG) goals and providing power to a growing popula-
emissions, reduce air pollution and help slow tion as the world makes the transition towards a indicated that it
climate change. zero-carbon energy future. is willing to move
The development is a precursor to the com- He continued that in addition to being an
missioning of DNG’s first floating storage unit abundant energy resource for generating elec- away from coal.
(FSU) delivery in the first quarter of 2022. tricity and providing fuel for industrial processes
DNG believes it will set the stage for a new era and heating, LNG can be used as a raw material
of growth, competition and sustainability in the to produce chemicals, fertiliser and hydrogen. It
energy market. can also be used in several residential, commer-
In a statement it explained that “this afforda- cial and transport applications.
ble alternative energy” is the culmination of a “We look at the LNG value chain in a holistic
$5bn, seven-year investment in infrastructure, way, from source to consumption, with ambi-
and will catalyse the growth of a new gas econ- tious expansion infrastructure plans for South
omy in South Africa. It will also support the shift Africa, Mozambique and Nigeria,” said Mbalati.
to more sustainable energy sources, facilitate “Over the next few years, LNG has the potential
industrialisation, create new jobs and offer com- to drive significant growth and job creation,
mercial customers more choice. while helping South Africa reduce its emissions
DNG’s CEO, Aldworth Mbalati, said the by as much as 30% to 40%.”
Week 46 19•November•2021 www. NEWSBASE .com P7