Page 16 - FSUOGM Week 40 2022
P. 16
day,” Makogon said. “It will come mainly that what happened is bad for Serbia but
from Slovakia, Hungary and Poland and claimed that the event has nothing to do
also some volumes could be delivered from Gazprom subsidiary in with the “energy war”.
the Balkan pipeline – Greece, Turkey to "This has nothing to do with the energy
Bulgaria and Romania to Ukraine.” Romania probed for alleged war, but this a political-espionage war, in
However, Kyiv has warned Ukrainians order to additionally discipline some who
that they face a difficult winter due to disclosure of classified are considered to be disobedient," Vucic
the impending energy crisis, as it has not said.
imported gas from Russia for over three data to parent group “At the same time, I do not at all rule out
years and its European friends will be short the possibility of the real guilt of NIS, but
of gas themselves this winter. The Timisoara and Bucharest offices of I do not know what the case is, nor have
In the future, Ukraine’s gas storage Gazprom’s local subsidiary in Romania, I dealt with it. It is important to point out
sector has a lot of potential for both the NIS Petrol (Romania), and the residences that there are no Serbian citizens, it has
country and its neighbours, with Naftogaz of some of its employees were searched by nothing to do with us. It's mostly Russians,
increasing gas production in Western the Directorate for Investigating Organized but we'll ask for more information from the
Ukraine by 2% this year. The company Crime and Terrorism (DIICOT) on October Romanian police. They're accusing one of
also plans to expand gas exploration and 3, in relation to an alleged transfer of the subsidiary companies of NIS of leaking
production investments by 15% in 2023. classified and non-public information to the data or something. Anyway, that's the only
parent group abroad, DIICOT confirmed thing we needed now,” Vucic said.
after local media reported at least nine such
Turkey said to want Russia operations. Romania can deliver 5mn
Employees of the Gazprom subsidiary
to permit delay on gas are suspected of breaching the provisions of cubic metres of gas per day
the Oil Law by reporting their findings to
payments their parent group while at the same time
failing to report the findings to the mineral
Turkey, beset by an economic crisis marked agency, according to DIICOT. to Moldova
by difficulties such as a lack of international The subsidiary has been carrying out With 87% of its gas deposits already filled,
reserves, has reported asked Russia for oil and gas exploration works under four and if it secures import contracts for the
permission to delay some payments for concession agreements with the national winter season, Romania has the necessary
Russian natural gas. mineral agency NAMR since 2008, and resources to deliver 5mn cubic metres of gas
Bloomberg reported the request on since 2014 in partnership with Canada’s to Moldova per day, Prime Minister Nicolae
Ocober 3, citing people familiar with the East West Petroleum Corp (EWP). Ciuca announced.
matter. In 2014, NIS Petrol started 3D If this is the case, Moldova will perhaps
State-run energy importer and pipeline geophysical prospecting for oil and natural use this opportunity to build up reserves
company Botas wants some of the gas bill gas in several areas of Timis County, in ahead of the cold season since it already
payments to be postponed until 2024, one the area of Cenad, Dudestii Vechi, Valcani, has the necessary financial resources. By
source was reported as saying. Beba Veche, Tomnatic, Teremia Mare, cutting its supplies to Moldova by 30% as
Ankara already has an agreement with Comlosul Mare, Gottlob and Sannicolau of October 1, Gazprom prevented such an
Moscow that will allow it to pay for a Mare. accumulation of reserves, which would
quarter of the gas it receives from Russia in Following the DIICOT searches on reduce the country’s vulnerability to sudden
rubles instead of dollars. That corresponds October 3, documents and data storage variations in supply.
with the Kremlin’s dedollarisation policy. media were seized, and eight people were At this moment (during October),
Turkey meets up to half of its natural taken to the Timisoara office of DIICOT Moldova receives 5.7mn cubic metres of
gas demand with deliveries from Russia. It for questioning. DIICOT prosecutors natural gas per day from Gazprom, 30% less
constantly, however, attempts to diversify filed charges for committing the crimes compared to the contractual terms, after
the sources of its gas supplies, especially of disclosing official or non-public secret the Russian company announced “technical
when bargains can be found. Only last information and unauthorised transfer of problems” on the night of September 30 to
week, Turkish President Recep Tayyip computer data against four of them (foreign October 1. But the country will need around
Erdogan said Turkey would like to see more and Romanian citizens). 2.36mn cubic metres per day for heating.
liquefied natural gas deliveries from the US. Romania’s domestic and foreign Gazprom warned Moldovagaz that
Gazprom and Botas at the end of last intelligence services SRI and SIE were because of “repeated delayed payments” it is
year signed a four-year agreement under reportedly involved, according to entitled to terminate the contract and stop
which Russia is to supply 5.75bn cubic Vocea Timisului reported quoting the supplies at any moment.
metres of gas per year to Turkey via the sources familiar with the searches that Moldova has some 53.5mn cubic metres
TurkStream pipeline. the information was sent to a foreign of gas in its reserves stored in Romania and
While Europe, faced with a severe intelligence service as well. Ukraine — it ordered 15mn cubic metres
reduction in supplies of Russian gas widely Since NIS Petrol (Romania) is a for Moldovagaz with delivery in the first
seen as a response by Moscow to European subsidiary of NIS Petrol (Serbia), the days of October — which is the equivalent
policy on the Ukraine war, strives to fill its developments prompted reactions from the of the country’s consumption during a week
gas storage facilities ahead of winter, Turkey authorities of the neighbouring country — in the winter season.
last week announced that its storage tanks already under fire for its position on Russia.
were already full. Serbia’s President Aleksandar Vucic said
P16 www. NEWSBASE .com Week 40 06•October•2022