Page 10 - MEOG Week 26
P. 10

MEOG                                              Poli C y                                             MEOG

       Iraq raids Iranian-backed militia

        iraQ             IN May, after barely a month in office, Prime   In the first strategic dialogue between the
                         Minister Mustafa al-Kadhimi authorised Iraqi  countries in a decade, uS and Iraq officials
                         security forces to carry out a raid on a pro-Iran  have agreed to reduce the number of American
                         militant outfit in the southern oil-rich city of  troops in the Middle East country in the coming
                         Basra. At the time this was hailed as a significant  months but fell short of providing a timeframe.
                         show of force against malign Iranian influence;   Chaired by the Senior under-Secretary of
                         the attack resulted in the arrest of Iran-backed  Iraq’s Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Abdul Karim
                         Shia militants belonging to a little-known group  Hashem Mustafa, and uS under-Secretary for
                         called Thaer Allah, or the Vengeance of God.  Political Affairs David Hale, the talks were lim-
                           The May raid has now been followed by a sec-  ited to a short preliminary online session owing
                         ond initiative in which Iraqi forces have detained  to coronavirus-related travel restrictions. They
                         14 members of the group Khataib Hezbollah.  laid out the agenda for what is expected to be a
                         The Iraqi forces raided the Iranian-backed mili-  months-long discussion focused on uS troops’
                         tia, which is suspected of carrying out a spate of  withdrawal along with the future of security,
                         rocket attacks against uS forces, making good on  counterterrorism, political, economic and cul-
                         the new prime minister’s promise to crack down  tural relations. Although no timeline for with-
                         on armed groups that have strained the country’s  drawal was announced the uS-led coalition has
                         relations with the uS.               since pulled out from six bases and consolidated
                           The Thursday night raid on a brigade head-  its presence to only three. Some Iran-backed
                         quarters of the militia, Khataib Hezbollah, was  groups that led the calls for withdrawal are said
                         intended to “to send a message that there is no  to have softened their tone in recent weeks.
                         red line and no one is above the law and everyone   With the raid on Khataib Hezbollah, al-Ka-
                         must be subject to it,” General Yahya Rasool, the  dhimi has become the country’s first leader to
                         military spokesman for Prime Minister al-Ka-  move against one of the Iranian-backed armed
                         dhimi, said on Friday. Since October, nearly  groups. The 14 members of the militia who were
                         three dozen attacks have targeted uS interests  detained included one man the Iraqis said had
                         in Iraq, including a range of military bases, the  been involved with previous rocket attacks and
                         uS embassy in Baghdad and uS oil companies.  was believed to be planning another.
                         They have killed Iraqi, uS and uK military per-  The armed groups, which were formed as
                         sonnel. The uS has blamed Kataib Hezbollah for  volunteer militias to help fight the Islamic State
                         the attacks and has retaliated twice, in both cases  in 2014, became national heroes in that war,
                         after rockets killed uS military personnel sta-  which ended in 2018. Since then, many have
                         tioned at Iraqi bases. The uS response in March  proved an invaluable ballast to the government’s
                         also killed three members of the Iraqi security  security forces, but a few have presented serious
                         forces, increasing tensions with Iraq. The Janu-  problems. Of the more than 20 militias, only a
                         ary airstrikes set off a series of events that pushed  handful have close ties to Iran. But those groups,
                         the united States to the brink of war with Iran  including Khataib Hezbollah, have become the
                         and led to a resolution in Iraq’s Parliament to  most powerful. Most have political wings within
                         expel uS forces. At the same time Washington  the Iraqi Parliament, where they often promote
                         has put pressure on Baghdad to take tougher  Iran’s interests. Since 2017, the militias have been
                         action against the militia group.    regularised and they now receive salaries, weap-
                           However, the militias have not been deterred  ons and training from the Iraqi government.
                         and at least four attacks have been made on Iraqi   They ostensibly report to the prime minister
                         military bases and on Baghdad’s Green Zone,  but in practice maintain a great deal of independ-
                         home to the uS embassy, in the past two weeks.  ence. The legal status of some of these groups is
                                                              murky because they are at once part of the gov-
                         Fresh approach                       ernment’s security forces, but also flout Iraqi
                         Al-Kadhimi took office in May promising a fresh  law. Iran’s close ties to the militias as well as to
                         approach, including cracking down on govern-  Iraq’s previous political leaders inhibited efforts
                         ment corruption and strengthening the rule of  to move against the groups when they attacked
                         law. He also promised to protect foreign diplo-  Iraqi forces and the Green Zone. The powerless-
                         matic missions and international forces serving  ness of the Iraqi government in the face of the
                         at the request of the Iraqi government.  Khataib Hezbollah was clear in January when
                           Seen as closer to the united States than his  several thousand militia members marched on
                         predecessors, he opened a strategic dialogue  the Green Zone after the united States bombed
                         with Washington this month aimed in part  Khataib Hezbollah bases in western Iraq.
                         at resetting the size and mission of American   Members of the group vandalised the wall
                         troops in Iraq and obtaining commitments for  surrounding the uS Embassy and set fire to
                         economic aid. As part of the talks, Washing-  some of the embassy guard posts. The then-
                         ton has already pledged to continue reducing  prime minister, Adel Abdul Mahdi, was slow to
                         in-country troop levels, which numbered about  use force to protect the embassy, and the militia
                         5,200 last year. The uS returned to Iraq to help in  members left only after he promised to push leg-
                         the fight against ISIL.              islation expelling the uS military.™

       P10                                      www. NEWSBASE .com                           Week 26   01•July•2020
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