Page 18 - MEOG Week 26
P. 18

MEOG                                        n e W s in  B rie F                                        MEOG

       P oli C y                           May 2019, includes the unification of all   the united Nations calls the world’s worst
                                           military formations under the authority of   humanitarian disaster.
       Yemen president urges               the ministries of interior and defence, as well   al-JaZeera
                                           as the formation of an efficient government
       separatists to ‘stop the            made up equally between the north and south   Bahrain’s M3 expands by
                                           of Yemen.
       bloodshed’                          the interim seat of the Yemeni government,   1.3% m/m in May
                                             Located off the southern coast of Aden,
       The internationally recognised president urges   Socotra is near strategic shipping lanes and is   Bahrain’s M3, the broadest measure of money
       southern separatists to honour Riyadh pact to   famed for its biodiversity.  supply, expanded for the third consecutive
       end conflict in the south.            Tensions have escalated over the last   month, growing by 1.3% month on month
         Yemen’s president has called on southern   several months since the separatists declared   to BHD14.24bn ($37.7bn) in May compared
       separatists to “stop the bloodshed” and abide   self-rule in Aden and other southern   with a modest 0.6% m/m gain the previous
       by a power-sharing agreement in his first   provinces.                   month, according to figures released by the
       public comments since the secessionists   This prompted Yemen’s government in   central bank in a monthly statistical bulletin.
       declared autonomy in April.         May to launch a military offensive in Abyan   M3 grew on the back of currency in
         The conflict between the Southern   aimed at ousting the separatists from Aden.  circulation, increasing by 4% m/m to
       Transitional Council (STC) and the    The southern separatists and the Yemeni   BHD635mn and through demand deposits
       internationally recognised government   government are technically allies in the fight   rising by 6.7% m/m to BHD3.33bn, pushing
       of President Abd-Rabbu Mansour Hadi   against the Houthis, but the rift between them   M1 up by 6.2% m/m to BHD3.96bn.
       constitutes a second front in Yemen, already   represents a damaging “war within a war” in   Time and savings deposits marginally grew
       split by a war between government loyalists   the Arabian Peninsula’s poorest country.  by 0.2% m/m to BHD8.86bn, uplifting M2 by
       and Houthi rebels.                    Earlier this week, a Saudi-led military   2% m/m to BHD12.83bn. In contrast, general
         The STC, which declared self-rule on April   coalition backing the government against the   government deposits contracted by 4.5% m/m
       26, has made a series of military gains, the   Houthis said it had deployed observers to   to BHD1.41bn, narrowing M3’s growth to
       latest this month when it seized the strategic   monitor a ceasefire between pro-government   1.3% m/m.
       Indian Ocean island of Socotra.     troops and southern separatists announced   On an annual basis, M3 expanded by 1%
         “I call on the so-called Southern   two days earlier.                  year on year in May compared to the same
       Transitional Council ... to return to the   Saudi forces arrived on Wednesday in   month the previous year due to a 9.6% y/y
       path of the Riyadh Agreement and stop the   Shaqra and Sheikh Salem, two flashpoints in   growth in currency in circulation and a 15%
       bloodshed,” Hadi said during a meeting on   southern Yemen’s Abyan province, to monitor   y/y jump in demand deposits, as well as a 10%
       Saturday with high-level government officials,   that truce, military sources said.  y/y rise in time and savings deposits, which
       referring to a power-sharing deal for the south   A collapse of the ceasefire in the south   were partly offset by a 26% y/y plunge in
       struck last November that quickly became   would again complicate efforts by the   general government deposits.
       defunct.                            government to repel the Houthis, who are   Bne
         The Riyadh accord’s implementation “has   believed to be aligned with Saudi’s regional
       long faltered due to continuous escalatory   foe Iran.                   UAE announces fuel prices
       activities, including the announcement of self-  The separatists and the government are due
       rule and the rebellion witnessed in Socotra”,   to hold further talks in Saudi Arabia to discuss   for July 2020
       Hadi said, who has been living in the Saudi   the truce, coalition spokesman Turki al-Maliki
       capital following the takeover of Sanaa and   said this week.            The uAE has announced petrol prices for July
       large parts of Yemen by the Houthis in 2014.  Since the Saudi-led coalition launched a   2020, keeping them at the same rate for four
         “Resorting to arms and force for personal   military offensive in 2015, tens of thousands   consecutive months.
       gains ... will not be accepted,” he added.  of people, mostly civilians, have been killed   The prices have been fixed at Dhs1.91 per
         The agreement, which was signed in   and millions displaced in Yemen, in what   litre for Super 98 petrol, while one litre of

       P18                                      www. NEWSBASE .com                           Week 26   01•July•2020
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