Page 11 - MEOG Week 40 2022
P. 11

MEOG                                       NEWS IN BRIEF                                              MEOG

       POLICY                              support worked then and he hopes they will   blocked, facing bipartisan opposition.
                                           support this effort. Malinowski has spoken   Manchin tweeted that the OPEC+ decision
       Democrats push to punish            with officials at the White House and State   called for a renewed effort to find agreement
                                                                                on the issue to decrease American
                                           Department, but declined to describe their
       Saudi after OPEC+ cut               reaction.                            dependence on foreign oil.
                                             Democrats were divided on whether it was
       Some Democrats in Congress are furious   a good idea for President Biden to travel to
       about OPEC+’s decision to cut production by   Saudi Arabia and meet with the leadership
       2 million barrels of oil per day starting next   over the summer. Malinowski said, “I felt that   OIL
       month, and are calling to reexamine ties with   the trip was ill advised. I didn’t think we’d get
       key oil producers, and even withdraw U.S.   much from it. At the same time, I didn’t think   Wells drilled in Maysan
       military support from Saudi Arabia and the   the Saudis would go to these lengths to screw
       United Arab Emirates.               us.”                                 The Ministry of Oil announced, today, Friday,
         A trio of House Democrats all in    The number 2 Senate Democratic leader,   the completion of drilling operations for two
       competitive reelection contests - Pennsylvania   Sen. Dick Durbin, tweeted sharp criticism of   oil wells in the Halfaya field, in addition to the
       Rep. Susan Wild, Illinois Rep. Sean Casten   the Saudi royal family, saying they have “never   completion and reclamation of three other
       and New Jersey Rep. Tom Malinowski - called   been a trustworthy ally” and “it’s time for our   wells in Maysan.
       the move “a hostile act” and a “turning point”   foreign policy to imagine a world without   Director of the Drilling and Reclamation
       in the relationship between the U.S. and the   their alliance.”          Department at the authority, Youssef Jabbar
       two Gulf states late Wednesday night and   According to a recent report from the   Mansour, said in a statement received by
       introduced legislation to remove U.S. military   White House to Congress, roughly 2,700   the Iraqi News Agency (INA): “Drilling
       support from the two countries.     U.S. personnel are deployed to Saudi Arabia   operations have been completed for two new
         Malinowski told NPR that he believes   to protect U.S. interests and protect against   wells in the field, carried out by the Chinese
       the move was “deliberate” to hurt the U.S. as   hostile action from Iran or Iranian-backed   companies Bohai and Daqing specialised
       it supports Ukraine in the war the Russian   groups. There are roughly 2,000 troops in the   in drilling operations, and the wells are
       invasion and deserves a swift response. In an   UAE.                     Halfaya/567 as a water source, which was
       interview Thursday, he said, “I just don’t see   The decision is already having an impact   completed during 39 days, in addition to the
       any good reason for us to maintain troops   on gas prices, which had been trending down   Halfaya well 1341, up to the productive layer
       that are there almost solely for the purpose of   in recent weeks. According to AAA, the   in the Al-Saadi reservoir, with a period of 75
       protecting their oil fields and their security   national average for regular gasoline rose from  days.
       interest. It just doesn’t make sense to me.”  $3.831 per gallon to $3.867 just a day later,   He added that “the completion operations
         Malinowski said “there’s no question that   due to tight supply and steady demand. With   of three wells, namely the Halfaya well 942,
       MBS [Mohammed bin Salman], particularly   the midterm elections less than 5 weeks away   were carried out by the reclamation device
       the crown prince of Saudi Arabia, shares   and the country facing record high inflation   belonging to the subcontractor of the Chinese
       Putin’s worldview more than he shares ours.   Democrats were already concerned that   Bohai Company, indicating that” the aim of
       He doesn’t appreciate American advocacy for   economic concerns would help fuel the ability   that process is to re-complete and revitalise
       democracy in the world.”            of Republicans to retake one or both chambers  the Mishrif reservoir and raise the production
         The New Jersey Democrat said the   of Congress. The GOP is favoured to win a   rate of the well by means of the electric
       bill is “an exact copy” of a bill that Senate   majority in the House of Representatives, and   submersible pump, with a production capacity
       Republicans pushed when Trump was in   control of the Senate is a jump ball, with tight   that ranged between 400-700 barrels per day,
       the White House to give him leverage when   races in a small number of swing states.  as well as the completion and activation of
       the Saudis were producing more oil to push   Last month an effort pushed by Sen. Joe   the Halfaya 1290 well by the subcontractor
       the price down to harm U.S. production. He   Manchin, D-W.Va., to include legislation   Daqing Company, with the aim of completing
       said GOP lawmakers at the time were on   reforming the permitting process for energy   the well in a multi-stage fracturing of the
       board and the threat of pulling out military   projects to a government funding bill was   Al-Saadi layer and in nine stages, after which

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