Page 4 - LatAmOil Week 39
P. 4

LatAmOil                                      COMMENTARY                                            LatAmOil

                                                                                                      (Image: Petrobras)
       Local content in Brazil

       The South American country began phasing in LC requirements for the upstream oil

       and gas sector in 1997 but has revised its expectations somewhat in the last few years

                         THIS article is the first in an occasional series   location and maturity of the assets in question. It
                         providing overviews of local content (LC) reg-  also stipulated that the specific requirements for
       WHAT:             ulations and requirements in individual Latin   each project be spelled out in the relevant con-
       Local content require-  American states.               tract and stated that minimum LC levels could
       ments debuted after the   Brazil started the process of developing local   change over time.
       liberalisation of Brazil’s   content laws for oil and gas projects in the late   This law laid a foundation for Brazil’s oil and
       upstream oil and gas   1990s, after the government deregulated explo-  gas LC regime, and it did so in time for the new-
       industry.         ration and production activities in the sector in   ly-established National Agency of Petroleum,
                         1995. These laws replaced existing legislation   Natural Gas and Biofuels (ANP) to launch the
       WHY:              that gave Petrobras, the national oil company   country’s first exploration licensing round in
       The government is trying   (NOC), a monopoly over the oil and gas sector.  1999, in line with the reforms introduced four
       to balance the interests                               years earlier. Under these circumstances, the
       of foreign and private   First components of legal regime  government had an interest in addressing all the
       investors while also   The country took a step towards dismantling   questions that came up as a result of partnership
       developing local capacity.
                         that monopoly in 1997, with the adoption of a   with international oil companies (IOCs).
       WHAT NEXT:        law providing for minimum LC requirements   Changes in LC requirements
                         to be fixed during licensing rounds. (The law
       ANP may reconsider LC
       base levels once it is   also obligated all licensees, including Petrobras   The responses to these questions changed some-
       ready to resume bidding   as well as private and foreign investors, to meet   what over the first decade of the 21st century.
       rounds, but other issues   these requirements.)        As ANP proceeded with additional licensing
       are likely to take priority.  This law did not set a fixed minimum for   rounds, its answers shifted from being more
                         LC. Rather, it allowed for adjustments in LC   general and subjective to being more specific
                         requirements for licence areas according to the   and objective.

       P4                                       www. NEWSBASE .com                        Week 39   01•October•2020
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