Page 17 - MEOG Week 02 2021
P. 17

MEOG                                       NEWS IN BRIEF                                              MEOG

       POLICY                              not lift financial, banking and oil sanctions by   May 2018. The move might complicate efforts
                                           February 21, we will definitely expel the IAEA   by US President-elect Joe Biden to rejoin the
       Iran to expel nuclear               inspectors from the country and will definitely  deal.
                                                                                  “I must take it seriously because it’s the
                                           end the voluntary implementation of the
       inspectors if sanctions             Additional Protocol,” parliamentarian Ahmad   law,” Grossi said, referring to new Iranian
                                           Amirabadi Farahani was quoted as saying by
                                                                                legislation that requires the enrichment and
       aren’t lifted                       several Iranian media outlets.       deadline for the inspectors, adding that he
                                                                                believed the Islamic Republic’s government
                                             His comments refer to texts governing the
       Iran will expel nuclear watchdog inspectors of   IAEA’s mission and activities.  intended to implement the deadline and act
       the UN’s International Atomic Energy Agency   Iran said on early last week that it had   on it.
       (IAEA) unless US sanctions against the   resumed 20% uranium enrichment at an   Grossi said Iran was progressing “quite
       country are lifted by a February 21 deadline   underground nuclear facility. The move is   rapidly” in 20% enrichment and that based
       set by the hardline-dominated parliament, a   another breach of the nuclear pact. However,   on estimations it would be able to reach about
       lawmaker was cited as saying on January 9.  90% enrichment is needed for weapons-grade   10 kilograms a month at Fordow. Uranium
         The move will put pressure on the   uranium and Iran says it has never had a   refined to 20% fissile purity is well above
       incoming Joe Biden administration in the   plan to develop a nuclear bomb, something   the 5% generally regarded as suitable for
       US to act fast from the time it takes office on   adversaries such as Israel claim is not the case.  producing civilian nuclear energy. It shortens
       January 20 if it wants to save the nuclear deal   BNE                    Iran’s potential path to the 90% purity
       struck between Iran and six major powers,                                required for a nuclear bomb. Iran denies any
       signed and sealed in 2015 but unilaterally   Weeks remain to save        intent to weaponise enrichment.
       abandoned by outgoing American president                                   The Atomic Energy Organisation of Iran
       US President Donald Trump in 2018.  nuclear deal, says atomic            (AEOI) has, meanwhile, started installing
         The parliament, which took on a hardline                               advanced IR2M (20%) centrifuges in defiance
       complexion in an early 2020 election, in   watchdog chief                of the nuclear agreement, Mehr News Agency
       November brought in a law that commits the                               reported on January 11.
       government to halting the IAEA inspections   The revival of the nuclear deal between Iran   Iran has said it will fall back in line
       of Iran’s nuclear sites that are required under   and six major powers must happen within   with the conditions of the nuclear deal as
       the nuclear deal, which still boasts Iran, the   weeks, UN atomic watchdog chief Rafael   soon as Biden scraps the sanctions levied
       UK, France, Germany, China and Russia as   Grossi said on January 11.    on the Islamic Republic by the Trump
       signatories. The law also committed Iran to   The comments from the head of the   administration.
       step up uranium enrichment beyond the limit   International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA)   BNE
       set under the accord if sanctions are not eased.  came after Tehran resumed 20% uranium
         Biden has said he will take the US back   enrichment and its parliament threatened   Kuwait government
       into the nuclear deal in line with certain   to bar the watchdog’s inspectors from the
       conditions, including Iran returning to full   country by a deadline of February 21 if the US   ministers resign en masse
       compliance with the nuclear deal. Iran’s latest   does not drop its heavy sanctions against Iran.
       standpoint is that Biden should remove the   “It is clear that we don’t have many months   Kuwait government ministers tendered their
       US sanctions prior to a process of bringing   ahead of us. We have weeks,” Grossi said in an   resignations en masse to Prime Minister
       Washington back into the agreement that   interview for the Reuters Next conference.  Sheikh Sabah al-Khalid on Tuesday, the
       need not be hurried. If the sanctions are   Iran resumed enriching uranium to 20%   Ministry of Information announced on
       removed, Iran would quickly agree to once   fissile strength at the underground Fordow   Twitter.
       again fully comply with the deal, according to   nuclear plant earlier this month in a further   The move came after lawmakers submitted
       its foreign ministry.               breach of the nuclear pact with major powers   a motion in Parliament, asking to question the
         “According to the law, if the Americans do   since the US unilaterally withdrew from it in   premier, local media reported.

       Week 02   13•January•2021                www. NEWSBASE .com                                             P17
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