Page 17 - MEOG Week 29
P. 17

MEOG                                       n e W s in  B rie F                                        MEOG

       P o L i C y                         Promotion Organization of Iran’s Arab-  pipelines, 45 km of communication pipelines
                                           African Affairs Office Farzad Piltan, the   and 65 km of transmission links.
       Iran: Oil Ministry to put           decline in exports is due to the lack of direct   plant to the West Karun pumping house and
                                                                                  The latter will run from the new processing
                                           contacts between Iranian and Kuwaiti
       energy proposals                    business leaders, as well as obstacles to visa   NGL 3200.
                                           issuance for small-scale exchanges, IRNA
                                                                                  PEDEC said the work was worth a total
       Zanganeh made the comments in a media   reported.                        of $1.26 billion. Increasing production from
       meeting on the sidelines of a meeting between   Iran’s exports to Kuwait in the last fiscal   South Azadegan carries a cost of $961 million,
       the Oil Ministry officials and the Parliament   year (ended March 19) stood at $180 million,   while construction of the processing facility
       (Majlis) Energy Committee.          indicating a 26.87% drop compared with the   will cost $300mn.
         One of the stated documents is a   year before (March 2018-19).        enerGyVoiCe
       strategy for handling fuel consumption   FinanCiaL triBune
       and transportation for the prospect of the                               Iran Oil Ministry to ink 9
       Iranian calendar year 1420 (which starts in
       March 2041), which is an interdepartmental   C om Panies                 contracts with domestic
       deed in which the optimization of cars, the
       improvement of the structure of intra-city   Petropars signs South       firms
       transportation and the type of cars that are
       built are the main concentration, according to   Azadegan production boost  Iranian Oil Minister Bijan Namdar Zanganeh
       the official.                                                            said his ministry will sign nine contracts with
         Zanganeh stated, “Other documents are   Petropars has signed a contract to develop   domestic companies in the oil industry in the
       regarding the gas supply and demand, as well   the South Azadegan oil field, with Petroleum   near future.
       as the production of oil and petrochemicals   Engineering and Development Co. (PEDEC).  “Soon, nine contracts for the maintenance
       up to the 1420 horizon”.              The first phase will involve boosting   and enhancement of oil production (EPC/
         The official stated that one of the most   production to 320,000 barrels per day of oil.   EPD) will be signed with Iranian companies
       significant areas that the Energy Committee   Current production is 140,000 bpd, up from   and the Oil Research and Technology Fund
       is completely highlighting is the optimization   45,000 bpd in 2013. The second phase will add  will be activated,” Zanganeh said on Monday
       of energy consumption in liquid and gas fuels,   another 280,000 bpd.    on the sidelines of a ceremony to sign a
       and in this concern, it was decided that four   South Azadegan is 80 km west of Ahvaz,   contract for completing the development of
       papers will be acquiesced by the ministry to   near the Iraqi border. The Iranian company   South Azadegan Oilfield
       the committee and the committee will decide   said the oil in place figure for the field was   He said the production capacity of
       the final version of the documents.  around 25.3 billion barrels, with recoverable   petrochemical products and the Persian Gulf
       menaFn                              resources of around 1.7 billion barrels.  Star refinery will increase as well.
                                             Petropars, a unit of National Iranian Oil   According to the minister, 25 million tons
       Iran’s Q1 exports to Kuwait         Co. (NIOC), took over management of the   will be added to the country’s petrochemical
                                           South Azadegan field in November 2018.
                                                                                production capacity this year, adding this
       drop 40% to $31m                    Petropars’ CEO Hamid Reza Masoudi signed   would be marked as the largest output growth
                                             PEDEC’s CEO Touraj Dehghani and
                                                                                in the history of Iran’s petrochemical industry.
       A total of $31 million worth of non-oil   the deal, in a ceremony observed by Iranian   He also said the second petrochemical leap
       commodities were exported from Iran   Minister of Petroleum Bijan Zangeneh.  of the country will reach fruition almost by
       to Kuwait during the first quarter of the   Work on the first phase will involve   2021 and the sector’s output would cross 100
       current fiscal year (March 20-June 20), to   building a processing facility. This should take   million tons per year from currently 66 mt/y.
       register a 40% decline compared with the   30 months to complete.        mehr neWs
       corresponding period of last year.    PEDEC will drill 35 wells, install 50
         According to Director General of Trade   downhole pumps, build 328 km of flow

       Week 29   22•July•2020                   www. NEWSBASE .com                                             P17
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