Page 18 - MEOG Week 40
P. 18

MEOG                                         NEWS IN BRIEF                                             MEOG

       the income does not commensurate with   Complex is currently contributing to 75% of   Petrofac of the UK and Malaysia’s Sapura
       spending.                           the country’s total natural gas output.  Energy were also believed to have shown
         Hariri indicated that statistics of the past   According to the National Iranian Gas   initial interest, they are unlikely to have bid.
       six months show that export revenues will be   Company (NIGC), Mohammad Shafi   Those said to be among the bidders include
       $30 billion until the end of the year, noting   Moazeni told a meeting with regional   Abu Dhabi’s National Petroleum Construction
       that Iranian revenues had dropped to $10   executive and a group of officials in Bushehr   Company (NPCC), Target Engineering,
       billion, compared to $40 billion in the last   province that the share of the complex in Iran’s  Adyard, Fortune Engineering & Energy
       year. The Iranian official did not reveal the   natural gas output would reach 82 percent in   services and compatriot CAE, a second
       details of Iranian oil sales in light of the US   the near future.       person said.
       sanctions that prevent Tehran from exporting   He described the complex as a strategic   However, those names could not be
       oil. Iranian Oil Minister Bijan Zangeneh had   facility in Iran which played an instrumental   individually confirmed by Upstream.
       earlier refused to disclose details of oil exports   role in the country’s energy production.  Egypt’s ENPPI and a few additional local
       as well. Last June, Iran VP Eshaq Jahangiri   The director of the third refinery of South   bidders are also said to be in the fray.
       said that his country’s oil revenues fell from   Pars Gas Complex underlined the importance   Another United Arab Emirates-based
       $100 billion to $8 billion last year.  of the complex in energy sustainability and   player, Valentine Maritime, is expected to
         Hariri believes that Iran will get between   creating welfare and security in the country,   team up with one of the interested players for
       $35 and $40 billion at best, while foreign   adding: “According to forecasts made in the   the pipelay work, project watchers said.
       currency expenditures are $50 billion in the   near future, 70% of the energy mix of the   The Umm Al Dalkh early production
       event of austerity. He recommended reducing   country will be produced by South Pars Gas   scheme aims to ramp up the field’s oil output
       the government’s spending policy to be able   Complex.”                  capacity to 20,000 bpd by 2022 and sustain
       to manage matters “in any way possible” until   SHANA                    this level for three years.
       the end of the year. The expert believes the                               The field is currently producing about
       government will not be able to do something                              15,000 bpd from the existing offshore
       under the sanctions, noting that political   SERVICES                    infrastructure.
       decisions in the country are taken by the                                  The additional production is likely to
       regime. He warned that if the current situation   Players start chase for   involve the drilling of three producer wells
       persists, things will be more difficult in the                           and two water-injector wells at wellhead
       coming year. Last Saturday, Iranian President   Adnoc offshore oilfield   platform-15 (WHP-15), another person said.
       Hassan Rouhani said that Iran’s economy is                                 The project’s scope involves the supply
       in a better state than Germany’s, which was   scheme                     of treated water from the central processing
       highly ridiculed on social media.                                        facility to WHP-15 by laying an eight-inch-
         US President Donald Trump said last   A clutch of contractor giants are said to be   diameter subsea pipeline.
       month he aims to bring Iranians back to   lining up for a key engineering, procurement   In addition, it includes two new water-
       the negotiating table due to the economic   and construction contract from Abu Dhabi   injection wells and three new oil producers,
       sanctions that brought Tehran on the brink of   National Oil Company (Adnoc) for work on   with associated topsides modifications at
       bankruptcy, indicating that the country’s GDP   the further development of its Umm Al Dalkh   WHP-15.
       recorded negative growth of 24 percent.  offshore field in the Persian Gulf.  Replacement of an existing four-inch
         Rouhani responded by saying the negative   While the project is a relatively modest   water-injection manifold and a new eight-inch
       rate did not exceed 0.06 percent.   development, the job is of strategic   water-injection manifold at WHP-5 are also
       ASHARQ AL AWSAT                     importance to Abu Dhabi, which aims to   included.
                                           ramp up its oil production capacity to 5   The preferred EPC contractor will be
                                           million barrels per day by 2030.     responsible for setting up several other
       GAS                                    Multiple people familiar with the   associated offshore facilities that are a part of
                                           development said technical offers for the   the early production scheme, one person said.
       South Pars accounts for             project were recently submitted by at least six   of the offshore field at a later stage to sustain
                                                                                  Adnoc aims to carry out full development
       75% of Iran gas output              mostly by local players,” one person   its oil production capacity of 20,000 bpd until
                                              “Technical bids have been submitted,
                                                                                2032. The Umm Al Dalkh field is located 25
       The director of the third refinery of the South   confirmed.             kilometres north-west of Abu Dhabi.
       Pars Gas Complex stated: South Pars Gas   While international players such as   Its existing offshore facilities involve seven

       P18                                      www. NEWSBASE .com                        Week 40   07•October•2020
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