Page 15 - LatAmOil Week 14 2022
P. 15

LatAmOil                                    NEWS IN BRIEF                                          LatAmOil

       The estimated value of the lawsuit is BRL1.9bn,  Argentina.              over a five- to seven-day period. This produc-
       of which BRL59mn have been provisioned,   The Company looks forward to continuing to  tion, along with the stored volumes, will be sold
       and the remaining amount is classified as a  update shareholders on production levels on a  to the Iquitos refinery and through the Brazilian
       possible loss in note 18.3 of the 2021 Financial  quarterly basis.       sales export route thereafter.
       Statements.                         Echo Energy, April 5 2022              In Q1-2022, PetroTal produced over 1mn
         Petrobras will file the appropriate appeals                            barrels of oil, approximately 11,700 bpd, despite
       against this decision and informs that there was   PetroTal announces social   being significantly production constrained for
       no change in the expected loss.                                          most of March 2022. This is a PetroTal record
       Petrobras, April 1 2022             and operational updates              for quarterly production and equates to a sixth
                                                                                straight quarter of production growth for the
       Echo Energy provides                PetroTal Corp. is pleased to announce a signed  Company.
                                           government agreement to end the social protest,
                                                                                  ONP Pipeline Status: As previously
       production update                   previously announced on March 3, 2022, and  announced on March 3, 2022, the Petroperu
                                           recommencement of production and oil sales  operated Northern Peruvian Pipeline remains
       Echo Energy, the Latin American-focused  upon opening of the loading dock.  closed due to erosion caused by the rainy sea-
       energy company, has provided an operational   Protest Conclusion: On Wednesday April  son, with no firm timeline of maintenance com-
       update regarding its Santa Cruz Sur assets,  6, 2022, Peruvian government officials reached  pletion provided by Petroperu. The Company is
       onshore Argentina for Q1-2022.      an agreement with the Asociación Indigena  now focusing all efforts to maximise sales to the
         Production during the period from Janu-  de Desarrollo y Conservación de Bajo Puina-  Iquitos refinery and the Brazilian export route.
       ary 1, 2022, to March 31, 2022, has continued  hua (AIDECOBAP), to end the social protest,  Commercial and technical efforts to eventually
       to remain strong and reached an aggregate  which has been blocking PetroTal’s loading  sell 400,000 barrel (13,000 bpd) monthly cargos
       of 134,167 boe net to Echo during the period,  dock. AIDECOBAP was protesting against the  through the Brazil route are being explored.
       including 23,830 barrels of oil and condensate  government on three core issues: prosecution of   CPF-2 Approval: The Company’s fully com-
       and 662 mcf of gas.                 protesting rights, allocation of the Basic Needs  missioned central processing facility (CPF-2)
         Net liquids production in Q1-2022 averaged  Trust capital to close the social gaps that exist  received ministry approval on March 11, 2022,
       265 bpd, an increase of 10% over Q4-2021 levels  in Peru, and that the government expedite the  and is now able to operate up to 26,000 bpd.
       (240 bpd). Q1-2022 represents the fourth quar-  formalisation of the Bretaña 2.5% social fund,   Manuel Pablo Zuniga-Pflucker, President
       ter in row of liquid production increases with the  offered by PetroTal, into the Block 95 license  and CEO, commented: “We are pleased with
       annual increase since Q1-2021 of 34%.  contract.                         this agreement that has ended the protesting
         Net gas production averaged 7.4 mcf per day   Peruvian government officials, which  near our loading dock. We are also extremely
       over Q1-2022 an increase compared with 7.0  included the Prime Minister, with support from  appreciative of Perupetro and the Peruvian
       mcf per day achieved in Q4-2021.    PetroTal and local community members, agreed  government’s support towards PetroTal’s social
         Total net production averaged 1,491 boepd  to the following items: The Ministry of Energy  fund initiative that is aimed at creating long last-
       in Q1-2022, representing a 6% increase over  and Mines presented the proposal for a Minis-  ing peace in the region for the benefit of all and
       Q4-2021 production.                 terial Resolution for the creation of a technical  without any discrimination whatsoever. We can
         The Company continues its focus on max-  working group to analyze the needs of local  now turn our focus to operational optimisation
       imising revenue from production. Total liquids  communities in the Block 95 area; Perupetro has  and continued development of Bretaña.”
       sales net to Echo over Q1-2022 increased to  agreed to propose the incorporation of the 2.5%   PetroTal, April 7 2022
       26,096 barrels (Q4-2021: 25,881 barrels). Dur-  social development fund as an addenda into the
       ing the quarter, two new customers signed agree-  license contract through a supreme decree; and,
       ments to purchase liquids from the Company,  AIDECOBAP will immediately lift the blockade  POLICY
       providing further sales options and flexibility as  near PetroTal’s loading dock.
       the Company seeks to increase competition and   Based on the current trust framework, Petro-  Petrobras reports on
       prices for its specific products.   Tal has funded trust allocations totaling $1.1mn
         Gas production is currently sold under exist-  to date, for the eligible fortnight periods in 2022.   approval of the Term of
       ing long-term contracts and pricing agreed in  The working group will observe, recommend
       March 2021. As those contracts near expiry, the  and support social trust policy, while day to day   Closing of Pendencies
       Company is engaged in commercial discussions  operations of the social trust will be managed by
       around annual gas contracts for the period from  an independent third party. PetroTal will also   with Novonor/Odebrecht
       May 2022 noting the marked increase in global  continue to fund and support its ongoing social
       gas prices in recent months, combined with  project commitments directly or via independ-  Petrobras informs that its Board of Directors
       the continued recovery in economic activity in  ent project contractors. PetroTal wishes to thank  approved the execution of the Term of Clos-
                                           local residents and government officials for con-  ing of Pendencies (TCP) between, on the one
                                           tinued support through this protest period.  hand, Petrobras and one of its affiliates (jointly,
                                              Production Restoration Plan: In anticipation  Petrobras) and, on the other hand, Novonor SA
                                           of an agreement being reached, PetroTal has oil  (previously called Odebrecht SA) and some of
                                           barge support ready to arrive within hours of the  its affiliates (jointly, Novonor/Odebrecht), for
                                           loading dock’s formal reopening. The first tech-  the purpose of definitively terminating four
                                           nical priority is to unload approximately 90,000  contractual disputes by means of payment of
                                           barrels of crude oil stored at the oil field, with  amounts by Novonor/Odebrecht to Petrobras.
                                           four to five barges currently engaged. Next, the  Three of these disputes were under discussion in
                                           operations team will ramp production back up  arbitration proceedings.

       Week 14   07•April•2022                  www. NEWSBASE .com                                             P15
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