Page 20 - LatAmOil Week 48 2020
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LatAmOil                                     NEWS IN BRIEF                                          LatAmOil

         Depending on technical outcomes, speed of  on low carbon.
       permitting approvals, and rig and funding avail-  SP 2021-25 presents four top metrics that
       ability, an accelerated 2021 work programme  will directly impact the compensation not only
       could include: Up to a further eight Saffron pro-  of executives, but of all company employees in
       duction wells in Trinidad and Tobago, Up to a  2021. Two metrics are related to sustainability
       further three Weg naar Zee production wells in  (ESG):  Intensity of greenhouse gas emissions
       Suriname, and A further one exploration well  (GHG); Leaked volume of oil and oil products;
       in the SWP. Anticipated capital expenditure for  Gross debt of $67bn in 2021; Consolidated EVA®
       the base work programme of up to $20mn, and  delta of $1.6bn.
       up to approximately $35mn in a scenario where   We maintain the TRI indicator (total record-
       all developments and exploration activities are  able injuries per million man-hours) as the top  which involve for example the reduction of natu-
       accelerated (in all cases subject to funding and  metric for 2021, but adjust the target to below  ral gas flare burning, CO2 reinjection and energy
       rig availability and permitting).   0.7, reinforcing the company’s commitment to  efficiency gains in the refineries. We have created
         As with Perseverance #1 in The Bahamas over  life. We continue with our zero-fatality ambi-  an executive management focused on climate
       the past 2 years, the Company has developed a  tion and insert in this plan the ambition of zero  change, linked to the Institutional Relations and
       funding strategy for operations in Trinidad  leakage.                    Sustainability Office, and we aim to keep Petro-
       and Tobago and Suriname, which it will seek   Debt reduction and financial deleveraging  bras in the first quartile of the industry in rela-
       to implement in coming months and thereafter  will continue to be a priority, with the operating  tion to low CO2 emissions.
       through 2021 so as to ensure funding for planned  cash generation and divestments fundamental   To this end, we have reviewed our 10 com-
       operations is available as and when required, on  for these purposes. From January 2019 to Sep-  mitments to sustainability: The 2021-25 Stra-
       the best possible terms, with a view to achieving  tember 2020, even with the impacts of COVID-  tegic Plan proposes a set of strategies that give
       the best outcomes for shareholders.  19 and the oil shock in 2020, we have been able  visibility to issues that were relevant in 2020 for
         For BPC’s currently producing assets the CPR  to reduce our gross debt by $31bn and maintain  the future of Petrobras, such as (i) transparency
       indicates: Certified net 2P reserves across BPC’s  our target of $60bn by 2022.  and focus on sustainability (ESG), especially
       portfolio of production assets in Trinidad and   Our divestment portfolio contains more than  regarding the decarbonisation of operations;
       Tobago of 1.29mn barrels, exceeding BPC’s tar-  50 assets at different stages of sale process. At the  (ii) strengthening of logistics activities, mar-
       get for end of 2020 by 30%. (BPC calculates this  same time as debt relief, divestments contribute  keting and sales; (iii) search for a more efficient
       represents in excess of $50m of undiscounted  to improving the capital allocation and conse-  and sustainable Refining – BioRefining and (iv)
       gross future cashflow at $40/bbl oil.) Certified  quently to create value for the shareholder.  strengthening of Petrobras’ management model.
       net 2C contingent resources of 7.46mn barrels   Capex foreseen for the 2021-2025 period is   With the execution of this Strategic Plan,
       across BPC’s portfolio of production assets in  $55bn, of which 84% is allocated to the Explo-  Petrobras reaffirms its commitment to become
       Trinidad and Tobago and in Suriname, provid-  ration and Production (E&P) of oil and gas. The  a more financially robust company, with low
       ing clear direction as to where to apply work and  investment of $46bn in E&P involve approxi-  indebtedness and cost of capital, focused on
       capital during 2021.                mately $32bn, 70%, in pre-salt assets. This allo-  world-class oil and gas assets and value creation,
       Bahamas Petroleum Co., December 01 2020  cation is adherent to our strategic positioning,  always acting in an ethical and transparent man-
                                           focusing on world-class assets in deep and ultra-  ner, with safety in its operations and respect for
       Petrobras approves                  deep waters, which we are natural owners, with a  people and the environment.
                                           human capital quality, technological knowledge
                                                                                Petrobras, November 27 2020
       strategic plan for                  and ability to innovate.             Bahamas Petroleum Co.
                                              The capital scarcity imposes competition
       2021-2025 period                    between projects to obtain funding, approving
                                           only those that are resilient to Brent of $35per
       Petrobras informs that its Board of Directors  barrel.                   reports on Bahamas cost
       approved in a meeting held today the Strategic   Oil, LNG and natural gas production: The   estimate, funding update
       Plan for the five-year period 2021-2025 (SP  oil and gas production curve estimated for the
       2021-25)                            period 2021-2025, without considering the  Bahamas Petroleum Company (BPC) has pro-
         The plan maintains the five pillars that sup-  divestments, indicates a continuous growth  vided an update on cost estimates and fund-
       port the implementation of the company’s set  focused on the development of projects that  ing arrangements for well operations in The
       of strategies: (i) Maximisation of the return  generate value, increasing the participation of  Bahamas.
       on capital employed; (ii) Reduction of the cost  the assets in the pre-salt with lower lifting cost.   Highlights: Sustained impact of COVID-19
       of capital; (iii) Relentless search for low costs  During this period, 13 new production systems  means that BPC and Stena Drilling have decided
       and efficiency; (iv) Meritocracy and (v) Safety,  are expected to come into operation, all of them  to implement enhanced COVID-19 mitigation
       health, respect for people and the environment.  allocated to deepwater and ultra-deepwater  measures; this includes heightened isolation
         Petrobras reaffirms the vision of “Being the  projects.                and testing measures for all crew and personnel,
       best energy company in generating shareholder   The oil production for 2021 reflects the  extended mandatory quarantine in secure hotel
       value, focusing on oil and gas and with safety,  impacts related to the COVID-19 and the divest-  facilities, and private charter flights. Enhanced
       respect for people and the environment,” aims  ments that occurred in 2020. We consider a vari-  COVID-19 mitigation measures and associated
       to eliminate the performance gap that separates  ation of 4% up or down for the 2021 production.  operational impacts means the cost estimate for
       us from the best global oil and gas companies   Low carbon and sustainability commitments:  Perseverance-1 is revised upward by approxi-
       (Mind the Gap concept) and presents the model  Petrobras reinforces commitment to the envi-  mately 15%, to $24mn to $28mn (from $21mn
       of double resilience: economic, resilient to low  ronment and the use of new technologies for  to $25mn); contingency element expanded to
       oil price scenarios, and environmental, focusing  decarbonisation of our processes and products,  $7mn (from $5mn).

       P20                                      www. NEWSBASE .com                      Week 48   03•December•2020
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