Page 15 - LatAmOil Week 17 2021
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LatAmOil                                    NEWS IN BRIEF                                          LatAmOil

                                           Trinidad and Tobago as stated in Maersk Drill-  that included a successful tender to purchase
                                           ing’s recent fleet status report.    $255mn of the 6.500% Senior Notes due 2024 to
                                           Maersk Drilling, April 23 2021       be funded with a combination of cash in hand
                                                                                and a $150mn new issuance from the reopen-
                                           TechnipFMC wins subsea               ing of the 5.500% Senior Notes due 2027. As
                                                                                part of this process, the tender included a con-
                                           contract for Petrobras’              sent solicitation to align covenants of the 2024
                                                                                Notes to those of the 2027 Notes. The new notes
       Seadrill’s CEO Stuart Jackson commented:   Marlim and Voador fields      offering and the tender offer are scheduled to
       “This further broadening of our long-standing                            close on Friday, April 23, and Monday, April 26,
       relationship with Equinor is a testament to the  TechnipFMC has been awarded a significant  respectively.
       experience and consistent operational excellence  subsea contract from Petrobras for the Marlim   The reopening of the 2027 Notes was priced
       of our team. The West Saturn’s planned upgrades  and Voador fields, located offshore Brazil. Tech-  above par at 101.875%, representing a yield to
       are a key development in Seadrill’s innovation  nipFMC will supply up to eight manifolds for  maturity of 5.117%. This yield reflects a nega-
       pipeline, as the adoption of new technologies  production and injection, utilising the all-elec-  tive concession of 2.3 bps relative to the yield to
       will improve drilling efficiency and reduce the  tric Robotic Valve Controller (RVC). The con-  maturity of the day before pricing. Total demand
       environmental footprint of Seadrill and our  tract also includes associated tools, spares and  reached over $780mn at its peak and ended at
       clients.”                           services.                            over $540mn. The transaction was oversub-
       Seadrill, April 27 2021                The RVC is a unique robotic technology that  scribed by more than 3.5 times from diversified,
                                           replaces traditional subsea hydraulics, as well as  top-tier institutional investors.
       Maersk Discoverer to drill          thousands of mechanical parts, while providing   reduction process, with total financial debt
                                                                                  Rationale and Benefits: Initiated a debt
                                           real-time data and analysis on system perfor-
       one well offshore Guyana            mance. This results in a manifold that is smaller,  being reduced by $105mn while maintaining a
                                           less complex and less costly with a significantly  solid balance sheet with a pro-forma cash posi-
       Maersk Drilling has been awarded a one-well  reduced carbon footprint. Moreover, the RVC’s  tion of approximately $70mn. Reduced the cost
       contract by CGX Resources, operator and joint  software can be remotely upgraded and main-  of debt with annual interest savings of approx-
       venture partner with Frontera Energy Guyana  tained subsea, increasing the overall reliability  imately $9mn. Enhanced financial profile with
       Corp, for the semi-submersible rig Maersk Dis-  and availability of the subsea system.  debt maturities extended by 2.3 years. An over-
       coverer to perform exploration drilling in the   Jonathan Landes, President Subsea at Tech-  all debt structure that provides greater flexibility
       Corentyne Block offshore Guyana.    nipFMC, commented: “We are honored that  with 25% of outstanding financial debt maturing
         The contract has an estimated duration of  Petrobras has selected us to support the ongo-  in September 2024 (callable starting September
       75-85 days and is expected to commence in  ing development of the Marlim and Voador  2021) and 75% of financial debt maturing in Jan-
       third quarter 2021, in direct continuation of  fields. We look forward to executing this project  uary 2027. Overall improvement in covenants.
       the rig’s current work scope. The contract con-  using our local capabilities in Brazil and con-  GeoPark, April 22 2021
       tains one firm-well in the Corentyne Block and  tributing to another important development in
       one optional well for the Demerara Block. The  the country.  We are very excited to bring new   PetroTal provides risk
       optional well has an estimated duration of 40  technology and automation capabilities to this
       days. Maersk Drilling and CGX are in discus-  project through the use of the RVC to operate the   management update
       sions to add additional services and perfor-  manifolds. Our innovations in automation and
       mance incentives to the scope.      electrification are helping our clients lower their  PetroTal is pleased to announce the following
         “It’s the first time we are working for CGX,  operational expenditures and reduce the carbon  risk management update.
       and we are honoured to join forces with their  intensity of their subsea projects.”  Highlights: Further to the Company’s press
       team in the Caribbean basin. Guyana is home   TechnipFMC, April 21 2021  release dated March 31, 2021, the remaining
       to some very promising offshore projects and                             1.4mn barrels of oil in the North Peruvian Pipe-
       it’s close to our other customers and projects in                        line (ONP) have now been hedged by Petroperu,
       the region. The D-rig series is particularly well  FINANCE               thereby securing future total true-up revenue
       suited to fill special niches around the Americas                        payments of approximately $$31mn for the orig-
       with its versatile capabilities of both being able to   GeoPark enters first phase    inal 1.8mn barrels.
       work in a moored and a dynamically-positioned                              At the corporate level, over 1.2mn barrels in
       mode. With this contract, Maersk Discoverer is   of deleveraging process  total are now hedged, representing 32% of fore-
       fully booked throughout 2021 allowing us to                              cast oil production for April 2021 to December
       continue to build and leverage the experience of  GeoPark, a leading independent Latin Ameri-  2021. PetroTal completed a second layer of its oil
       the crew as well as the special technical charac-  can oil and gas explorer, operator and consoli-  hedging programme for 2021. Approximately
       teristics of the rig,” says COO Morten Kelstrup  dator with operations and growth platforms in  338,000 barrels have been hedged (representing
       of Maersk Drilling.                 Colombia, Ecuador, Chile, Brazil, and Argen-  9% of forecast oil production covering August
         Maersk Discoverer is a DSS-21 column-stabi-  tina, today announced successful first phase of  2021 to December 2021) in a Put structure with a
       lised dynamically positioned semi-submersible  its strategic deleveraging process that is expected  $60 per barrel strike. In addition, 284,000 barrels
       drilling rig, able to operate in water depths up to  to result in a significant debt reduction and an  have been hedged (representing 8% of forecast
       10,000 ft. It is currently operating offshore Trin-  improved financial profile with extended matur-  oil production covering May 2021 to July 2021),
       idad and Tobago for BP. Following the contract  ities and lower cost of debt.  in a synthetic Put structure with a swap price of
       with CGX, the rig will commence a contract   The strategic deleveraging process is being  $62.15 per barrel and a call strike of $66.00 per
       with BG International, a subsidiary of Shell, in  executed through a series of transactions  barrel.

       Week 17   29•April•2021                  www. NEWSBASE .com                                             P15
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