Page 7 - LatAmOil Week 17 2021
P. 7
LatAmOil MEXICO LatAmOil
The consultancy said last week, though, that it between April and October of this year.
would continue to monitor market conditions, “This figure is 0.4 bcf [11.33 mcm] per day
since its modelling appeared to be “materially higher than what was projected in our February
low at this point.” review, right after the weather-triggered US gas
UK-based Wood Mackenzie, meanwhile, has supply shock,” Wood Mackenzie analyst Nicole
said it believes Mexico will take delivery of 6.7 McMurrer was quoted as saying in a note from
bcf (189.7 mcm) per day of US gas on average the consultancy.
SENER says Mexico is drawing up bill to
support local oilfield service companies
A representative of Mexico’s Energy Secre- government expected to submit its draft bill
tariat (SENER) said earlier this week that the to legislators. But he did urge Mexican oil and
government wanted to see local oilfield service gas operators to turn to OSPs that were closer
providers (OSPs) play a larger role in upstream to home in the meantime. “Mexico should take
exploration and development projects. advantage of the trade agreement the country
According to Marcos Avalos, SENER’s head has with the US and Canada to increase inte-
of local content oversight, government officials gration of small and medium-sized enterprises
are preparing legislation that will give Mexican (SMEs) in the value chain,” he was quoted as say-
OSPs more incentives to seek contracts from ing by Argus Media.
upstream operators and hope to introduce a bill He did not divulge full details of the legisla-
in Congress soon. The measures under consid- tive measures under consideration or say how
eration are designed to improve training and SENER’s plans might affect Pemex, the national
facilitate technology transfers, he said during a oil company (NOC).
virtual panel discussion organised by AMEXHI,
a national association of oil and gas companies.
Mexico City is taking this step because the
coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic had high-
lighted the vulnerability of supply chains, espe-
cially when they involve long-distance transport
and operations, he explained. Under current
circumstances, local OSPs ought to play a more
active role in the upstream sector, especially
since they have the potential to make important
contributions to the national economy and to
host communities, he said.
But he also asserted that Mexico’s current
legal regime did not offer enough incentives
for domestic service companies. The coun-
try’s existing local-content laws set minimum
requirements that are too low and too easy to
fulfil, and they do not make enough provisions
for benefits to host communities, he argued.
Avalos did not say exactly when the Mexico wants to offer new incentives to local service providers (Photo: Ensco)
Tropic Oil highlights bunkering potential
CHELSEA Jaouli, the global business develop- At an industry event earlier this week, Jaouli
ment manager of Florida-based Tropic Oil, says pointed out that the expansion of the Panama
Jamaica is in a good position to increase its share Canal would boost shipping traffic – and, there-
of the Caribbean bunkering market. fore, demand for marine fuel – in the region.
Week 17 29•April•2021 www. NEWSBASE .com P7