Page 8 - LatAmOil Week 09 2022
P. 8

LatAmOil                                          MEXICO                                            LatAmOil

                         “At this time, all dates set by the administration   pre-operational activities.
                         are related to the physical construction of the   Mexican government officials have remained
                         refinery,” he said, according to Argus. “They   adamant that the Dos Bocas refinery will start
                         have never considered the times for the pre-op-  commercial operations in the middle of this
                         erational trial runs, which could take from 24-36   2022, as previously planned – and that the
                         months.”                             project will not exceed its budget, currently
                           Meanwhile, other sources told Argus Media   set at $8.9bn. Many observers have speculated,
                         that they remained sceptical about Pemex’s abil-  though, that the refinery’s final price tag will
                         ity to wrap up construction work by July 2022 as   amount to $12 bn or more, fully 50% above the
                         scheduled. Parts and equipment are being deliv-  original estimate of $8bn.
                         ered to the construction site continually, and the   Pemex is building the 340,000 barrel per
                         refinery’s fuel storage terminals are nearly com-  day (bpd) refinery with the support of Mexi-
                         plete, they said.                    can President Andres Manuel Lopez Obrador,
                           However, they also noted that the plant   whose home state is Tabasco. Lopez Obrador is
                         had yet to finish establishing the connections   keen to ensure that Pemex retains its leading role
                         it will need to petroleum product pipeline   within Mexico’s oil and fuel industry and sees
                         networks and to the local transmission grid.   the Olmeca refinery as a means of ensuring that
                         They also raised questions about whether   all Mexican crude production can be refined
                         Pemex had made adequate staffing arrange-  locally in order to ensure that domestic fuel sup-
                         ments or allocated enough budget funding for   plies remain plentiful and cheap. ™

                                Monterra’s Tuxpan fuel terminal has remained idle since its seizure by CRE last September (File Photo)

       Mexican businessmen said to be eyeing

       takeover of Monterra’s Tuxpan terminal

                         A group of Mexican businessmen is reportedly   court if CRE did not surrender control of the
                         seeking to buy the 2.2mn barrel petroleum   asset. According to El Sol de Mexico; however,
                         product storage terminal that Monterra Energy   the businessmen see their proposed buy-out as
                         (US) owns near Tuxpan, a port in Veracruz State   another option.
                         on the Gulf of Mexico.                 The pro-government daily did not identify
                           The terminal has been idle since last Septem-  any of the parties that were interested in buy-
                         ber, when Mexico’s Energy Regulatory Commis-  ing Monterra’s terminal in Tuxpan. However,
                         sion (CRE) ordered its closure on the grounds   it quoted unnamed sources as saying that the
                         that Monterra had failed to produce required   businessmen in question were trying to acquire
                         documentation during an audit. The US com-  100% of shares in the facility, had already sub-
                         pany recently threatened to seek $667mn in   mitted a non-binding offer and were already in
                         compensation from an international arbitration   the advanced stages of due diligence.

       P8                                       www. NEWSBASE .com                         Week 09   03•March•2022
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