Page 20 - FSUOGM Week 36
P. 20

FSUOGM                                       NEWS IN BRIEF                                          FSUOGM

       Oil exports from Belarus            poisoning of Russian opposition leader   contractual obligations and Tajikistan’s
                                           Alexei Navalny.
       down 42% in 1H20                    said on Tuesday that the Kremlin sees no   autocrat Islam Karimov cut off gas supplies
                                              Presidential spokesman Dmitry Peskov
                                                                                  When in 2012 Uzbekistan under late
       Oil exports from Belarus were down by   reason to start discussing any restrictions on   to Tajikistan, Tajik industrial plants had
       42.6%, according to Belstat, it was reported on   the Nord Stream-2 gas pipeline project.  to transition from natural gas to coal for
       September 8.                           "This is a commercial international project  heating and other needs. Over 200 Tajik
         In January-June 2020, Belarus exported   … Why should they discuss any measures   plants currently either rely on coal for
       3.01mn tonnes of oil products, which is two   with a negative impact on the international   energy or produce synthetic gas out of coal.
       fifths less than a year earlier, Belstat said.  project where German companies participate
         In value terms, the export of oil products   as well… It is unreasonable and there are no
       for the first half of the year fell by 63.3%   grounds to start speaking about this now,"   Uzbekistan announces
       to $979.3mn. The average export price in   Peskov said.
       January-June was $325.04 per tonne, which   The Nord Stream-2 project envisages   completion of $58mn
       is 36.1% less than the average price in the   construction of two lines of a natural gas
       first half of 2019.                 pipeline with an annual capacity of up   project to expand Mubarek
         Supplies to Ukraine amounted to   to 55 billion cubic meters, running from
       1.28mn tonnes, a decrease of 10.7%, worth   the Russian shore to Germany under the   Gas Processing Plant
       $509.4mn, a decrease of 41.8% year on year.  Baltic Sea. Russian gas giant Gazprom is
         Supplies to EU countries were 457,600   implementing the project together with   Uzbekistan has announced the completion of
       tonnes, a decrease 59%, worth $131.8mn, a   Germany’s E.ON and BASF, Royal Dutch   construction of its $58.25mn Propane-Butane
       decrease of 75.7%.                  Shell, OMV, and France’s Engie. The length of  Mixture Production Unit (UPPBS) at Mubarek
         According to statistics, supplies of oil   the pipeline’s route exceeds 1,200 km.  Gas Processing Plant.
       products from Belarus to the UK in January-                                The construction was carried out on
       June 2020 amounted to 1.04mn tonnes,                                     schedule. The new plant will increase
       a decrease of 59.1%, worth $249.8mn, a                                   production of liquefied hydrocarbon
       decrease of 78.8% y/y.              CENTRAL ASIA & SOUTH                 gas in the country. The project is part of
         The export of oil produced in Belarus in                               Uzbekistan’s efforts to diversify its energy
       the first half of the year declined by 38% to   CAUCASUS                 mix and meet growing domestic and
       365,000 tonnes and in value terms it plunged                             commercial energy demands. The project’s
       by 69.3% to $82.09mn.               Uzbekistan says news                 end marks the addition of a fourth UPPBS
         In 2019, the export of petroleum products                              to the plant, capable of processing up to 3bn
       from Belarus decreased by 11.7% to 10.52mn   online about it halting gas   cubic metres of gas and producing 38,400
       tonnes of oil products after a decrease of                               tonnes of liquefied gas per annum.
       3.1% in 2018 to 11.93mn tonnes.     supplies to Tajikistan is            thanks to funding from the state-run oil
                                                                                  The three-year project was carried out
                                           false                                and gas firm Uzbekneftegaz with a payback
       Merkel says EU to make              Uzbekistan has said that news circulating   period of six years, spanning 2021-2026.
                                                                                  “Work on the new and fourth Propane-
       joint decision on N                 online about it halting gas supplies to Tajikistan   Butane Mixture Production Unit at the
                                                                                Mubarek Gas Processing Plant began three
                                           is false, state-run news agency UzDaily
       Stream-2                            reported.                            years ago and despite the impact of the
                                                                                pandemic in recent months was completed
                                              The main importer of Uzbek gas in
        The decision on Russia's Nord Stream-2   Tajikistan is the Tajik Aluminum Company   on schedule. It is a great triumph over
       gas pipeline project will be made by entire   (TALCO), which consumes approximately   adversity,” Minister of Energy of Uzbekistan
       Europe rather than Germany alone, German   80% of the total gas supplied by the   Alisher Sultanov said
       Chancellor Angela Merkel said on Tuesday at   neighbouring country. The gas is delivered   “The ongoing commissioning of new
       a meeting of the Christian Democratic Union   via the Muzrabad-Dushanbe pipeline with   industrial facilities in the oil and gas sector
       / Christian Social Union (CDU/CSU) faction   a capacity of 125,000 cubic metres per   will increase efficiency in the sector and
       in parliament, as cited by newswire dpa.  hour. Uzbekistan resumed its gas exports   introduce energy saving technology and
         She said that since "(there has been no)   to Tajikistan in 2018, after a six-year-long   reduce our impact on the environment,” he
       assault on Germany, Germany must act as a   break.                       added.
       country member of the EU."             The press service of Uzbekistan’s
         U.S. President Donald Trump said late   Ministry of Energy has commented that
       on Monday that he will support suspension   gas supplies from Uzbekistan to Tajikistan
       of Nord Stream-2 due to the suspected   are being carried out in accordance with

       P20                                      www. NEWSBASE .com                      Week 36   09•September•2020
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