Page 19 - DMEA Week 39 2021
P. 19

DMEA                                       NEWS IN BRIEF                                              DMEA

       1.65 million in tax year 2016 to 3.1 million in   14, an amount of $1.5 billion (equivalent to   neglected the agriculture sector which
       tax year 2020, showing an increase of 87%.  Rs157.198 billion) received as grant from   decreased the production of wheat and other
         He said notices were issued to non-filers   the Saudi Arabian Monetary Agency, was   food items, adding the present government
       under Section 114(4) of the Income Tax   transferred to the Pakistan Development Fund  was going to introduce agriculture
       Ordinance, 2001 for filing of Income Tax   Limited (PDFL) account in the State Bank of   transformation package which would help to
       return. In case, a taxpayer did not comply   Pakistan.                   boost the agri sector.
       with the notices, proceedings under Section   Tarin said Saudi Arabia was considering   The minister said the present government
       182 of Income Ordinance, 2001 also initiated   extending an oil facility to Pakistan which   was going to announce a massive subsidy on
       to impose penalty.                  would be announced soon. He said Roshan   DAP fertilizer to provide relief to farmers and
         After providing opportunity of being heard   Digital Account could allow overseas   boost the agriculture sector.
       to taxpayers the proceedings were finalised as   Pakistanis to directly invest into the shares   He said the economy was growing after a
       per law, he added.                  of companies in Pakistan and in the Stock   longtime and that was why imports were on
         The minister said, with the approval of the   Exchange of Pakistan.    the rise
       prime minister during financial year 2013-  He said the previous governments had   APP

       Week 39   30•September•2021              www. NEWSBASE .com                                             P19
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