Page 4 - NorthAmOil Week 13 2021
P. 4

NorthAmOil                                    COMMENTARY                                          NorthAmOil

       Canada’s Supreme Court

       upholds federal carbon tax

       The Supreme Court of Canada has ruled that the federal government

       can impose a country-wide carbon tax despite legal challenges from

       three provinces

        CANADA           THE Supreme Court of Canada ruled last  among other measures. The tax was CAD30
                         week that the federal government can impose  ($24) per tonne at the time, and goes up to
       WHAT:             a country-wide carbon tax. The ruling came  CAD40 ($32) per tonne on April 1 this year. By
       Canada’s Supreme Court   after Alberta, Saskatchewan and Ontario had  2030, it is set to increase to CAD170 ($135) per
       has upheld the federal   mounted a legal challenge against the carbon tax,  tonne.
       carbon tax despite legal   arguing that it infringed on their jurisdiction.   The tax hike is expected to result in increased
       challenges from three   However, the court ruled that climate change  costs for consumers of gasoline, though Ottawa
       provinces.        “causes harm beyond provincial boundaries and  has said it will compensate for this by offering
                         that it is a matter of national concern”.  most of the money collected via the carbon tax
       WHY:                The 6-3 decision marks a victory for Canadian  back to households through rebates. It is also
       The court ruled that   Prime Minister Justin Trudeau and his Liberal  expected to encourage major emitters – such as
       climate change causes   Party, which made climate change a key issue in  the oil and gas industry – to put more effort into
       harm beyond provincial   its 2019 re-election bid. Having narrowly been  reducing their emissions.
       boundaries and is   re-elected, Trudeau then unveiled a long-term
       therefore a matter of   net zero greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions goal  Acceleration
       national concern.  for the country in December 2020, setting a  Trudeau is keen to accelerate Canada’s decar-
                         deadline of 2050 for achieving this target.  bonisation efforts after the country failed to
       WHAT NEXT:          A federal carbon tax is seen as an important  meet all of its previous environmental targets.
       The carbon tax is one of   tool in helping to achieve long-term emissions  It missed its 2012 emissions target under the
       the tools that Canada   reduction goals. Indeed, the court said there was  Kyoto accord by more than 100mn tonnes and
       is expected to use as it   “broad consensus among expert international  was projected to be on course to miss its target
       pursues its long-term   bodies that carbon pricing is a critical measure  for 2020 by around 99.2% – though this esti-
       emissions reduction plan.  for the reduction of [GHG] emissions”.  mate came before the coronavirus (COVID-19)
                           When it set its net-zero goal in December, the  pandemic’s impact on emissions-generating
                         Canadian government also said it would achieve  activity.
                         this target by gradually hiking the carbon tax,   Nonetheless, without accounting for the

                                                                                                  The ruling represents
                                                                                                  a victory for Canadian
                                                                                                  Prime Minister Justin
                                                                                                  Trudeau and his Liberal

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